[Sust-mar] Energy Efficiency Focus Groups

Brooke Nodding brooke at coastalaction.org
Fri Jun 3 08:40:28 EDT 2011



Could you please post the following to the list serve?





BCAF to Host Energy Efficiency Focus Groups


The Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation has partnered with Bfreehomes, the
Towns of Lunenburg and Bridgewater, as well as the Municipality of the
District of Shelburne to develop a project focused on improving energy
efficiency in homes.  As part of the proposed project, BCAF and our partners
are investigating local trades training and skills upgrades around
residential energy analysis and air sealing.  To ensure the project will
meets local needs, BCAF is hosting a series of focus groups in both
Lunenburg and Bridgewater.  There will be two focus groups targeting home
owners and one for the construction/renovation industry.  The first focus
group for home owners will be Wednesday, June 8th at 6:30 pm at the Angus
Walters House in Lunenburg.  See more detailed information below.  The other
two sessions will be hosted in Bridgewater the week of June 13th, final
dates, times, and venues to be determined.


An Invitation for Homeowners



FACT: Atlantic Canada has some of the sturdiest, most beautiful homes in

Canada-and some of the hardest to keep warm and comfortable.

FACT: Atlantic Canadians are paying more and more to heat and light

their homes-at a time when household incomes are not rising.

FACT: Homeowners frequently don't know where their homes are wasting

energy, how to start addressing the problem, or how to find qualified,

reputable trades people to do the work.

FACT: Home renovation trades often don't have the resources to offer a

broad range of energy efficiency services-including air sealing,

which is often the most cost-effective first step for homeowners.

FACT: Using less energy benefits everyone-homeowners, trades, and

their communities-and reduces the effects of global warming.


The Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation (BCAF) believe that these facts
represent a great opportunity for South Shore communities-to become
stronger, both economically and environmentally, by reducing residential
energy use.  An important first step is building new skills and job
opportunities in the energy and home renovation professions.  So, in
partnership with the Town of Lunenburg and Bfreehomes, BCAF is proposing to
provide training for trades in residential energy analysis and air sealing,
by creating: (1) a pilot project using one residential-type dwelling; and
(2) a proving ground for trades, as well as demand for their services, using
a cluster of houses in the community.


To help assure that what is created meets local needs, BCAF and its partners
are conducting a series of focus groups.  If you are a homeowner who would
like to improve home comfort, energy use, job creation, and greenhouse gas
emissions in your community by sharing your experience and perspective, we
invite you to participate.



Please join us:


Wednesday, June 8th, 2011


6:30 pm


Captain Angus Walters House

37 Tannery Road



* Please contact BCAF at 634-9977 or info at coastalaction.org to register for
this focus group.




S. Brooke Nodding

Brooke Nodding

Executive Director

Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation

Cpt. Angus Walters House

37 Tannery Road

PO Box 730

Lunenburg, NS

B0J 2C0

Tel: 902-634-9977

Fax: 902-634-9979

Email: brooke at coastalaction.org

Web: www.coastalaction.org


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