[Sust-mar] Frack! Chemicals, Cancer, and the Environment-Free Public Talk

heidi verheul heidiverheul at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 18 12:28:07 EST 2011

Hi,If this could be forwarded out on your list, it would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!~heidi

Chemicals, Cancer, and the Environment

Thursday, November 24  

Room 173, Loyola Building

Saint Mary's University

923 Robie Street, Halifax

Please join us for a free public
talk about chemicals, cancer, and hydraulic fracturing in Nova Scotia with
Heidi Verheul of Sierra Club Canada-Atlantic Chapter and Leroy Lowe, President
and Founder of “Getting to Know Cancer”. This talk is organized by SMAC (Saint
Mary's Activist Coalition), SMUES (Saint Mary's University Environmental
Society), Getting to Know Cancer and Sierra Club Canada-Atlantic Chapter.



Canada has a reputation as a
country marked by pristine forests, spectacular mountains, beautiful lakes and
an abundance of wide open spaces.  Yet Canada is actually one of the worst
places in the world to live if you hope to avoid getting cancer, a disease that
is mainly caused by environmental factors.  In fact, Canadians now face a
30-50% chance of getting some form of cancer within their lifetime, and that is
2-4 times more risk than that of nearly 100 other countries.   How
have we managed to get it so wrong? 

of this problem can be tied to a long list of chemical exposures that confront
us on a day-to-day basis.  Yet Nova Scotia is now also considering letting
natural gas exploration companies
use  hydraulic fracturing, or
“fracking” in the province.  Fracking is a process that involves a high
pressure injection of a cocktail of chemicals into rock formations deep below
the surface of the ground.  These chemicals are not always recovered and
they can contaminate the groundwater, and that is a serious cause for concern
for Nova Scotians.

more information, please contact Heidi Verheul - Email:
heidiv[at]sierraclub[dot]ca - Phone: 902-444-3113

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