[Sust-mar] For Immediate Release

Friends of McNabs Island Society krista at friendsofmcnabs.com
Mon Sep 19 15:38:48 EDT 2011

Media Release for Friends of McNabs Island

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   _Friends of McNabs Island Society hosts Fall Foliage Tours_

   _September 19, 2011, Halifax, NS_: The Friends of McNabs Island Society will
   host their annual Fall Foliage Tours of McNabs and Lawlor Islands Provincial
   Park on Sunday, October 16. This year’s history tour will feature Fort McNab
   National Historic Site, which has reopened following an extensive
   restoration project. Guided nature tours, as well as a Thomas Raddall
   Hangman’s Beach literary tour, are also planned

   The Fall Foliage Tours is a time for families and friends to explore McNabs
   Island in all its natural autumn beauty. As well as Fort McNab, visitors can
   explore the many other historic sites such as Fort Ives, Fort Hugonin, the
   Victorian Gardens of the Hugonin-Perrin Estate, and the grounds of the Lynch
   and Conrad homes.

   Cathy McCarthy, President of the Friends of McNabs Island, says, "The Fall
   Foliage Tours is a great time for everyone to discover McNabs. Visitors will
   learn about the island's colourful history, wildlife and plants from
   experienced guides, who share their enthusiasm for McNabs and Lawlor Island
   Provincial Park. This fall, we are especially pleased to show-off the
   restoration work at Fort McNab National Historic Site".

   Visitors are encouraged to dress for the weather, wear comfortable shoes,
   and bring a lunch and drinking water. Tour details are as follows:

   _McNabs Island Fall Foliage Tours_
   _Sunday October 16_(rain date October 23)
   Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
   _Location_:     Meet at Murphy’s Cable Wharf, on the Halifax Waterfront
   before 10 a.m.

   $12 (Friends of McNabs members and children/youth under 16)
   $14 (non-members)

   Tickets are limited and available from _Ticket Atlantic_ at (902) 451-1221,
   the Halifax Metro Centre Box Office, and the 27 participating Atlantic
   Superstore outlets or online at [2]www.ticketatlantic.com.
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   The Friends of McNabs Island Society is a registered charity that promotes
   McNabs Island as a Nature Park and Outdoor Classroom. The Society hosts
   events on the island such as picnics, nature and historical tours, and
   annual beach clean-ups. The Society also maintains the trails and the McNab
   Family Cemetery through agreements with the Nova Scotia Department of
   Natural Resources and Parks Canada.

   For high res photos, see:


   For more information, visit [7]www.mcnabsisland.ca, our Facebook page, email
   [8]mcnabs at chebucto.ns.ca,or call Carolyn at 477-0187 or Cathy at 434-2254.
       7. http://mcnabsisland.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=fa8f9fd27de7a1bbbd8d58640&id=e8366644c7&e=0c83f0457b
       8. mailto:mcnabs at chebucto.ns.ca

   _Media Contact:_
   Cathy McCarthy
   President, Friends of McNabs Island Society
   902-434-2254 (evenings and weekends)
   902-456-9167 (cell)
   [9]mcnabs at chebucto.ns.ca
       9. mailto:mcnabs at chebucto.ns.ca

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   _Our mailing address is:_
   *|Friends of McNabs Island Society
   P.O. Box 31240
   Gladstone RPO
   Halifax, NS, B3K 5Y1|*

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