[Sust-mar] Introduction to Sustainable Woodlot Management

benna.keoghoe at merseytobeatic.ca benna.keoghoe at merseytobeatic.ca
Thu Feb 16 13:34:22 EST 2012

Have a woodlot and don’t know where to start?

Thinking that you will want to own a woodlot in the future?

Want to start learning more about forest ecology and management?

This workshop will give an introduction to the basics of: Tree ID, Acadian
forest restoration, Forest Ecosystem Classification, Species at Risk,
silviculture methods, value-added and non-timber forest products,
regulations, forest health and more...
It will be held at the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute in Kempt, Queens
County, with time outside in the woods nearby and at a local woodlot
owners' lot.
At the end of the session on Sunday there will be a small 'roundtable'
with local contractors and woodlot owners for questions.

Date: March 17 & 18th
Time: 9am-5pm
Location: Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute, 9 Mount Merritt Rd, Kempt,
Nova Scotia
Cost: $40 for the weekend which includes lunch and snacks.

Please contact Benna to register or for more information including
accomodation locations and potential ride share.
Tel: 902-682-2371
E-mail benna.keoghoe at merseytobeatic.ca

Benna Keoghoe
Forest Stewardship Coordinator
Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute
9 Mount Merritt Rd
PO Box 215
Kempt, NS   B0T 1B0
Want to start learning
more about forest ecology
and management?
Tel: 902-682-2371
Fax: 902-682-2760

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