[Sust-mar] Solar Nova Scotia Annual General Meeting!

Daniel MacKay daniel at bonmot.ca
Wed Mar 14 10:35:26 EDT 2012

Come one, come all to the Solar Nova Scotia Annual General Meeting!

Following Solar Nova Scotia's tradition of fascinating, informative AGM speakers, this year we have Richard Zurawski, a meteorologist, documentary film producer, radio science host, writer, university lecturerer, and media expert.  He is the author of Book of Maritime Weather, the Maritime Book of Climate Change and, most recently, Media Mediocrity - Waging War Against Science.

Richard will address "Climate Change & Atlantic Canada."

There will also be a brief Annual General Meeting where we present the quite stable state of your society and elect the Board of Directors for the next year. if you would like to join the Board and get involved with running Solar Nova Scotia, or have some questions about what that entails, please write back.

Here are the particulars for the AGM:
• Wednesday, March 21st, 7-9pm,
• Veith House, 3115 Veith Street, Halifax
• Light refreshments will be served
• RSVP is not necessary but would be helpful to our planning.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Daniel MacKay
Secretary, Solar Nova Scotia

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