[Sust-mar] Women-only Chainsaw course and more

dvledit at eastlink.ca dvledit at eastlink.ca
Wed Mar 28 08:12:24 EDT 2012

Welcome to the Harrison Lewis Centre

An exciting initial line-up of weekend workshops at the non-profit 
Harrison Lewis Coastal Discovery Centre beginning with a mushroom 
foray and growing weekend and including a women-only chainsaw course 
has been finalized. The complete list follows. Classes for all are 
small, dozen or less, guaranteeing plenty of one-on-one instruction 
and opportunity to apply new skills.

We are easy to find, next door to Thomas Raddall Provincial Park, two 
hours southwest of Halifax.

New For 2012

May 11-13: Spring Mushroom Foray/Grow your own: Outstanding, 
fun-filled, weekend investigating the amazing lives of mushrooms and 
their essential role in the life of the forest. Saturday's focus will 
be on bracket (shelf) fungi led by Richard McBride, Ph.D. On Sunday 
learn how to grow your own edible wild forest mushrooms under the 
direction of David Boyle, Ph.D. (Maritime MicroBiologicals). We'll 
gather Friday 7 pm for introductions and general discussion. 
Saturday, a walk in the woods guided by Richard, Catherine Pross, and 
friends, will be followed by a chance to examine mushrooms and 
mycorrhizae under microscopes in the lab. On Sunday, we'll be 
inoculating logs and other substrates with mushroom spawn. Take home 
your own inoculated birch log promising a future feed. $250 all 
inclusive - five meals, snacks, shared cabin for one or two nights 
(bring sleeping bag or request bedding). Program runs from Friday 
evening 7 pm to Sunday afternoon. Registration closes May 1. For 
information about workshops and other programs go to 
www.HarrisonLewisCentre.org, visit us on Facebook, or phone 
902-683-2763. To register send cheque or money order, along with 
name, address, phone number and email address, to: The Harrison Lewis 
Centre, RR 1 Port Joli, NS B0T 1S0.

May 25-27: Portable Band Saw Mill workshop. Plenty of hands-on 
instruction in all aspects of mill operation from basic maintenance 
and safe operation to learning how to get the most good lumber out of 
a log. This course is taught by Lew Dingwall, former portable band 
saw mill instructor at the Ranger School (Maritime College of Forest 
Technology) in Fredericton, N.B. Enrollment limited to 10. $250 all 
inclusive - five meals, snacks, shared cabin for one or two nights 
(bring sleeping bag or request bedding). Program runs from Friday 
evening 7 pm to Sunday afternoon. Registration closes May 9. For 
information about workshops and other programs go to 
www.HarrisonLewisCentre.org, visit us on Facebook, or phone 
902-683-2763. To register send cheque or money order, along with 
name, address, phone number and email address, to: The Harrison Lewis 
Centre, RR 1 Port Joli, NS B0T 1S0.

June 1-3: Women-only chainsaw course. Register now, enrollment 
limited to 10. Arrive 7 pm Friday. Saturday, basics of operation and 
maintenance, through bucking and limbing. Sunday, a day of 
directional felling and review. Patrick Allan, certified instructor. 
Small class assures plenty of hands-on opportunities to become 
comfortable using a chainsaw. Bring your own steel-toed boots (and 
your own saw if you have one and wish to bring it). All other safety 
equipment provided. $250 all inclusive - five meals, snacks, shared 
cabin for one or two nights (bring sleeping bag or request bedding). 
Registration closes May 18. For information about workshops and other 
programs go to www.HarrisonLewisCentre.org, visit us on Facebook, or 
phone 902-683-2763. To register send cheque or money order, along 
with name, address, phone number and email address, to: The Harrison 
Lewis Centre, RR 1 Port Joli, NS B0T 1S0.

June 8-10: Introduction to Plants and Ethnobotany. This three day 
workshop with ethnobotanist Keith Williams and botanist Pierre 
Taschereau Ph.D., will introduce participants to the fascinating 
kingdom of plants. Topics will include: basic field identification of 
the major plant families, plant ecology, invasive species, and 
ethnobotany (cultural uses of plants). A three day hands-on botanical 
adventure, this workshop will help you answer burning questions such 
as: How can I tell the difference between introduced and native 
species? Which local plants can I eat? How can wild plants be 
harvested sustainably? Why do we have seasonal food cravings? How can 
I make bread without using industrial yeast? How did people dye cloth 
before industrial dyes were available? Limited enrollment. $250 all 
inclusive - five meals, snacks, shared cabin for one or two nights 
(bring sleeping bag or request bedding). Registration closes May 25. 
For information about workshops and other programs go to 
www.HarrisonLewisCentre.org, visit us on Facebook, or phone 
902-683-2763. To register send cheque or money order, along with 
name, address, phone number and email address, to: The Harrison Lewis 
Centre, RR 1 Port Joli, NS B0T 1S0.

June 15-17: Writing From Nature. "To pay attention, this is our 
endless and proper work," wrote American poet Mary Oliver. 
Award-winning poet and nature writer Harry Thurston will conduct a 
two-day workshop designed to sharpen observational skills, which are 
the foundation not only of nature writing but of all good writing. 
Focus will be on writing about the natural world. Practical exercises 
will include the writing of a prose poem - a hybrid and highly 
flexible form - taking as subject a natural object from the 
environment surrounding the Harrison Lewis Coastal Discovery Centre. 
Participants will critique each other's work within a supportive 
group atmosphere. Time will also be available for individual 
consultation with the workshop leader. Workshop is open to writers of 
all skill levels. Concentration will be on poetry and creative 
non-fiction, but the workshop is designed to be relevant to any 
genre. Participants are asked to submit a short prose piece or small 
selection of poems three weeks prior to the workshop date. Workshop 
gets underway at 7 pm, Friday. Enrollment limited to 12 participants. 
$250 all inclusive - five meals, snacks, shared cabin for one or two 
nights (bring sleeping bag or request bedding). Registration closes 
June 1. For information about workshops and other programs go to 
www.HarrisonLewisCentre.org, visit us on Facebook, or phone 
902-683-2763. To register send cheque or money order, along with 
name, address, phone number and email address, to: The Harrison Lewis 
Centre, RR 1 Port Joli, NS B0T 1S0.

More workshops are planned. For the latest information send you 
current email address to

HLC at eastlink.ca

Or visit us at www.HarrisonLewisCentre.org.

Or, stay tuned to  Sustainable Maritimes (sust-mar) the moderated 
email list for issues of environment and sustainability in Maritime 

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