[Sust-mar] Upcoming climate & peace-related events in Halifax
Tamara Lorincz
tlorincz at dal.ca
Tue Nov 26 16:51:45 EST 2013
Hello Sust-Mar Friends from the UK!
I couldn't resist - upcoming climate change and peace-related events in
Halifax. Please spread the word!
The Changing Oceans
Public Lecture by 2013 Huntsman Award Recipient
Dr. Scott Doney of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Starts: November 27 2013 - 7:30 pm
Ends: November 27 2013 - 8:30 pm
Location: Ondaatje Hall; McCain Bldg
Cost: Free
*Warships, like the ones being built at the Irving Shipyard, are not good
for the oceans.
"Blowback: the Counterproductive Effects of Drone Policy in Yemen"
Farea Al-Muslimi is a graduate from the American University of Beirut
majoring in Public Policy. His name quickly spread through international
media outlets when the 23-year-old delivered a powerful testimony in a
congressional hearing on American drone strikes on Yemen.
Thursday, November 28th, 2013
12:30 noon 2:00pm Light Lunch provided Lord Dalhousie Room, Henry Hicks
Bldg. 6299 South Street, Halifax For more information please contact:
centre at dal.ca Centre for Foreign Policy Seminar Series
Syria, Iran & the Pivot of War
Friday, November 29 - 6:30 p.m.
Just Us! Coffeehouse
5896 Spring Garden Road
Since the end of the bipolar division of the world in the early 1990s, we
have witnessed a series of wars of aggression. Join us to discuss the
current danger, with particular focus on the re-orientation of U.S. global
military & geo-strategic spearheads against China. Washington's roadmap to
China includes Syria and Iran as signposts. In this context, we will also
discuss ! the meanings and implications of the agreement just signed between
the U.S., Russia, China and the nuclear powers of Europe with Iran. Come
join the discussion. Organized by: No Harbour For War
Book launch of A.L. McCreadys new book Yellow Ribbons: The Militarization
of National Identity in Canada Tuesday, December 3, 5-7pm At 1313 Hollis St
in downtown Halifax (map: http://goo.gl/maps/fqrwB) Free and open to the
public McCready will give a talk on the book and recent developments in the
militarization of culture, followed by audience discussion.
>From the back of the book (http://fernwoodpublishing.ca/Yellow-Ribbons):
Since 2001 and the beginning of the War on Terror, Canadian culture has
undergone a profound militarization. Moving away from previous myths of
national identity centred on notions of multiculturalism and peacekeeping,
Canada is increasingly being defined through a new patriotism based on
military and policing actions around the world. In this book, A.L. McCready
explains how this cultural transformation took place by examining a range of
Canadian cultural case studies, from the supposedly grassroots Support Our
Troops campaigns to films and cbc programs. McCready shows how a
combination of cultural shifts and explicit government actions have worked
to silence internal debate and criticism and to transform Canadians
understanding of their country and its role in the world. McCready also
shows how todays patriotic militarism is part of a much broader
socio-economic transformation of Canadian society towards a more
neo-conservative and free-market oriented paradigm and how Canadas
militarized nationalism emerges from and is continuous with the nations
racial and colonial history.
Table of Contents:
* Situating Nationalism in the Post-9/11 Context
* The Everyday-Life Culture of Canadian Militarism: Yellow Ribbons, Red
Fridays and the Highway of Heroes
* Militarized Cultural Production: Canadian Forces Recruitment
* The New Canadian Exceptionalism
There will be copies of the book available to purchase at the door, and
copies may also be purchased at Bookmark II on Spring Garden Road, or online
here: http://fernwoodpublishing.ca/Yellow-Ribbons/
Don't forget December 6: The National Day of Remembrance & Action on
Violence Against Women
This weekend, I'm off to the international Anti-War Conference in London,
Hope everyone is well!
In solidarity for peace, earth & justice,
Tamara Lorincz
Rotary International World Peace Fellow 2013-2014
University of Bradford, UK
Home Address: 62 Norwood Terrace Shipley, West Yorkshire, UK BD18 2BB
Email: tlorincz at dal.ca
Email: T.Lorincz at student.bradford.ac.uk
Mobile: (+44) 07757 987996
DEMILITARIZE: http://www.demilitarize.ca
BLOG "Wednesdays against Warships": http://demilitarize.ca/wp/
TWITTER: @TamaraLorincz
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired
signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not
fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not
spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius
of its scientists, the hopes of its children." - Former US President D.
Eisenhower, 1953
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