[Sust-mar] Students Put Feet on the Street in October: Walk to School Month

Janet Barlow asrts at ecologyaction.ca
Mon Oct 7 09:35:40 EDT 2013

Students Put Feet on the Street in October: Walk to School Month

"These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do" for thousands of students in over 100 schools across Nova Scotia. October is International Walk to School Month, otherwise known as IWALK. This world-wide event including over 40 countries celebrates the physical activity, safety and environmental benefits of walking, cycling and other forms of active transport. Nova Scotian students will be out in droves, starting this week.

"This is such a wonderful event," says Janet Barlow, Active Transportation Coordinator with the Ecology Action Centre. "I've heard it said that students 'get' to walk during the event. It tells me that they look forward to this and it's something they just want to do. Why not make it possible for them walk to school every day?"

In Nova Scotia, 103 schools are registered with an estimated reach of over 20,000 students. Schools or youth-based groups may register at any point during October at www.saferoutesns.ca<http://www.saferoutesns.ca> (click IWALK) and participate for one day, one week or all month long. Registered schools qualify for prize draws including a bike donated by Cyclesmith, a classroom pedometer kit and reflective arm/leg bands for all students.

School events vary from school to school and could include creating a Walking School Bus, keeping track of how often and how far students walk, rewarding families that walk to school with breakfast or healthy snacks, holding walking activities during school hours or holding a Walking Challenge. Bussed schools participate with Walk at School events.

International Walk to School Month is coordinated in Nova Scotia by the Ecology Action Centre in partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness as part of the Active Kids Healthy Kids Initiative. The Ecology Action Centre offers a suite of child and youth active transportation programming.


A social media release is found here: http://www.ecologyaction.ca/iwalk2013
A list of participating schools is found here: http://saferoutesns.ca/index.php/event/october-is-international-walk-to-school-month/

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