[Sust-mar] Intro to Hempcrete and Light Straw Clay at the Deanery Project, Ship Harbour NS

The Deanery Project Ship Harbour thedeaneryproject at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 10:41:06 EDT 2014

Intro to Hempcrete and Light Straw Clay

April 12-13
@ the Deanery Project, 37 Deanery Rd Ship Harbour NS

 Hempcrete, and light straw clay are two very low-impact building materials
that are solid, durable and non-toxic.

Hempcrete is a natural building material made from chipped industrial hemp
stalks. It is carbon negative, durable and is resistant to mold, fire, and

Light straw clay is a mixture of straw mixed with clay which creates an
integrated wall system and acts as both an insulator and a wall facing
which can be finished with a natural plaster.

Participants will gain hands-on experience in these two natural building

$120 includes instruction, meals, and dorm-style accommodations

Instructors: Kim Thompson and Dominic Watson Wall

To register phone 902-845-1888 or email thedeaneryproject at gmail.com
37 Deanery Rd. Lower Ship Harbour Nova Scotia

The Deanery Project Team
phone: 902-845-1888
37 Deanery Rd. Ship Harbour NS
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