[Sust-mar] An Drochaid: Documentary Film Series Launches in Inverness

Anne Levesque levesque.anne at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 09:06:43 EDT 2014

The Inverness County Chapter of the Council of Canadians is launching its
five-week film series on Sunday November 9th with *"An Drochaid/ The Bridge
Rising". *

An epic feel-good story of a modern rebellion, An Drochaid unpacks the
twists and turns of the 10- year battle against the UK's first Private
Finance Initiative: The Skye Bridge Tolls. In it, Scottish islanders take
on the government and the Bank of America--and win!

 Sgeulachd mhisneachail, mu ar-a-mach anns an nòs ùr. Anns an iomairt an
aghaidh cìsean drochaid an Eilein Sgitheanaich, sheas Eileanaich stàirneil
an aghaidh neart an Riaghaltais agus Banca Ameireagaidh, nuair a chaidh
drochaid-chìsean a thogail le airgead prìobhaideach - gun dòigh eile ann
airson faighinn air no far an Eilein. Tha mòran den sgeul air h-ùr innse.
Tha i èibhinn ann am pàirt, duilich agus deuchainneach le briseadh dùil
cuide ri misneachd is buannachd le farsaingeachd bheachdan agus
sheallaidhean ioma-fhillte bho chuid de na bha an sàs. (from the BBC Alba).

A Scottish-Nova Scotian co-production, An Drochaid’s musical score is by
Cape Breton composer and guitarist Scott Macmillan and features Cape
Breton's Colin Grant, who will both be entertaining before and after at the
screening.  Also present for will be the film’s producer Stuart Cresswell.

Where:  Inverness County Centre for the Arts

When: Sunday November 9th

Doors open at 6:30
7:00- 7:40 music by Scott and Colin
7:40- 9:00 film screening, followed by discussion and more music.

Admission: $8:00
Cash bar

The documentary film series will continue every Thursday evening at 7 pm at
the Renewal Centre in Mabou, in conjunction with Cinema Politica.

November 13--Queen of the Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us? with guest
speaker beekeeper Jean Timmons
November 20--Living Downstream
November 27--Cowspiracy
December 4--Five Broken Cameras

For more information about the Inverness County Chapter of the Council of
Canadians or about this film series please contact Johanna Padelt:

johannapadelt@ netscape.net
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