[Sust-mar] Youth Writing and Art Contest for Nova Scotia

Young Naturalists Club yncns at yahoo.ca
Thu Jul 9 16:29:42 EDT 2015

Nature Nova Scotia, the Young Naturalists Club and Wildland Writers areholding a Nova Scotia Nature Writing and Art Contest
The Nature Writing and ArtContest is inviting youth ages 8-15 years who live in Nova Scotia to submit a written piece (short story, non-fiction, poetry,etc.) OR an original artwork (painting, drawing, collage, etc.) that is inspiredby:§  nativeplants or animals of Nova Scotia (nativemeans a species that occurs naturally in a region), §  anadventure, personal moment, or happy experience in Nova Scotia’s wild places(lake, river, ocean, forest, trail),§  aninjustice that impacts nature in Nova Scotia2 KeyDates:  ContestOpens: June 5 2015, Contest Closes: October 31 2015. Categories: 
WritingJunior – ages 8-12Senior - ages 13-15ArtJunior - ages 8-12Senior - ages 13-15
 Prizes:Total of $2000 in cash prizesplus a NS Provincial Park gift certificate to each winner. Each Category has a: FirstPlace prize valued at $300, Second Place prize valued at $150, Third Placeprize valued at $50 Rulesand Regulations: ·       Thiscontest is open to youth in ages 8-15 who live in Nova Scotia.  ·       Students may enter as many timesas they wish; however, each youth will be limited to one prize per contest. Writing Category specifications
·      Entries can be in French, English or Mi’kmaq and bea maximum of 600 words·      Entriesmay be in any form (short story, non-fiction, poetry, etc.)·      It is advisable written work be accompanied by aphoto or artwork that supports the subject·      Entries must include a title page with the author'sname – do not put author's name on manuscript pages to ensure anonymous judging
·      Entries must be original, written by the author,have been written in 2015 and not previously published
***First place winners may havetheir work published in the Nova Scotia Naturally monthly column in theChronicle Herald or Le Courrier de la Nouvelle-Écosse.

 Art Category specifications·      Wildlife species (plants and animals) and orhabitat represented in artwork must be native to Nova Scotia – exotic ordomestic animals and plants will not be accepted.·      Allformats and mediums are accepted (except photographs): drawing, painting,collage, fibre arts, sculpture etc. ·      Allart entries must be made by hand. Photographs and computer-generated artworkwill not be accepted ·      Entries must include a title with artist's name onthe back of the artwork – do not put artist's name on front of art work or asignature to ensure anonymous judging·      Artwork should be accompanied by a writtendescription that supports the subject ·      Artwork must be the original work made by theartist and created in 2015
***Winners may have theirartwork on display at the Museum of Natural History)and be included in the Young Naturalists Club Art Cards for 2016 

Deadlinesand Submissions:·       Entriesmust be dropped off with a completed Entry Form (download from www.yncns.ca) to the Museum of NaturalHistory in Halifax, or mailed to: Young Naturalists Club, c/o The Museum ofNatural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax NS, B3H 3A6 ·       Entriesmust be postmarked by October 31st or dropped of at the Museum ofNatural History by this date.·      Entries will not be returned unless you enclose aself addressed stamped envelope or request to pick them up at the Museum of NaturalHistory
By entering you give YNC permission to use your entry on its website, inits communications, or for fundraising.


Robin Musselman, YNC Coordinator

Young Naturalists Club of Nova Scotia 
1747 Summer Street. Halifax NS B3H 3A6
website: www.yncns.ca
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yncns

YNC motto "Young Naturalists Observe and Conserve"

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