[sust-mar] 19 upcoming meetings, webinars, take action, resources etc. for peace, earth & justice

Tamara Lorincz tlorincz at dal.ca
Tue Jun 11 00:14:39 EDT 2024

Hello Sust-Mar,
Please find below a list of 19 upcoming actions and webinars and resources related to peace, earth & justice. Feel free to share.
In solidarity for peace, earth and justice,
ARMS EMBARGO DAY OF ACTION in Canada on Thursday, June 13
Contact your MP to say stop sending weapons to Israel. Stop the genocide in Gaza. Ceasefire now! Get involved and learn more how to take action: https://armsembargonow.ca/june13/
*In case you missed it, please watch the excellent webinar "Arms Embargo Now": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGXe_VC--40

Check out the great photos from Koozma for the CANSEC arm fair protests, rally for a national inquiry into the arms trade on Parliament Hill and the peace potluck at the Quaker House: Anti-CANSEC Demonstrations May 29-30, 2024: https://photos.app.goo.gl/u1FUPzBxisxyprh29 <https://photos.app.goo.gl/u1FUPzBxisxyprh29> .
Global Affairs Canada releases it annual Exports on Military Goods and Technology report 2023: https://www.international.gc.ca/transparency-transparence/assets/pdfs/controls-controles/reports-rapports/military-goods-2023-marchandises-militaires-en.pdf
Canadian arms exports have increased from year before! Canada is permitting more weapons to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, NATO countries, Haiti... that's stoking conflict, so shameful.

TAKE ACTION: Let the Canada Pension Plan know you demand they divest from companies complicit with war crimes and genocide: https://tinyurl.com/ybym4suu

TAKE ACTION: Stop subsidizing genocide: Not one cent of Canadian tax-dollars should be funding genocide: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/not-one-cent-of-canadian-tax-dollars-should-be-funding-genocide?source=direct_link&

WEBINAR: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research event - "Foreign policy, gender, nuclear disarmament & the environment: Perspectives from the South."
Thursday, 13 June 2024 | 16:00 to 18:00 CEST | Online, via Zoom
The event will be held in English and Spanish, with simultaneous interpretation.
Registration page:

WEBINAR: "Militarization: Destroying the Environment in Okinawa and the World"
Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 5:00-6:00 PM ET
Speaker: Abby Martin and Hideki Yoshikawa
Register: https://worldbeyondwar.org/militarization-destroying-the-environment-in-okinawa-and-the-world/?clear_id=true
War and militarization are the Earth's greatest enemies, and this remains especially true in Okinawa, Japan. The Battle of Okinawa during WWII decimated 200,000 human lives and destroyed much of the environment in the prefecture. The militarization of Okinawa, carried out by the U.S. occupation of Okinawa from 1945 to 1972, has created a dreadful situation: Okinawa, while accounting for only 0.6 percent of Japan's land mass, bears approximately 70 percent of the land area used for U.S. military bases in Japan. As a consequence, the people of Okinawa have been forced to live with and fight against water and land contamination, unbearable noise from aircraft, the danger of aircraft crashes, and other forms of environmental destruction by the U.S. military. In this open press conference, Abby Martin, an American journalist and filmmaker known for her anti-war and anti-militarization documentaries, will introduce her film "The U.S. Military: Planet Earth's Greatest Enemy" and provide an overview of how the U.S. military is destroying the Earth. Hideki Yoshikawa, an Okinawan scholar and activist, will explain how the Japanese and U.S. governments are destroying the environment of Henoko-Oura Bay in Okinawa, one of the areas richest in biodiversity in Japan, through the construction of an air base there, and how the people of Okinawa and the environment have fought back.
This webinar is free and open to the public. Participants all need to register on this page.
This is an open press conference organized by Okinawa Interest Group, Peace Philosophy Centre, Okinawa Environmental Justice Project, and World BEYOND War for journalists, media personnel, and anyone interested in learning more about how the U.S. military presence in Okinawa affects the environment.

WEBINAR: Foreign Policy and Anti-Racism Today
June 13, 2024 07:00 PM ET
Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iXPAPLrgRsKjqbGfeR1vxA#/registration
Organized by the Canada-China Focus. Co-Sponsored by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
Governments and institutions are increasingly emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) but these programs often fail to address the rise in Sinophobia, Islamophobia, Anti-Palestinian Racism, and Antisemitism accompanying recent Canadian foreign policies. Join in the conversation with a panel of anti-racist activists and scholars.
Monia Mazigh is an academic, award-winning Canadian author and human rights activist. She writes in French and English and has authored so far, a memoir, three novels, an essay and a collection of short stories, celebrated by the critique.
Xiaobei Chen is Professor of sociology in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Carleton University.
Alejandro Paz is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Toronto Scarborough. His current research is about Israeli English online journalism, and its impact on North Atlantic public opinion. He is founding co-chair of the Hearing Palestine Initiative at the University of Toronto, also helped to founding the Jewish Faculty Network, where he still serves on the steering committee.
Jamila Ewais is lead researcher for the Anti-Racism Program at the CJPME Foundation. Our work focuses on Anti-Palestinian Racism in Canada and its intersection with other forms of racism. It also aims to advocate for the rights of the Palestinian movement in Canada and to end all forms of discrimination against them.
Timothy J. Stanley is professor emeritus of anti-racism education in the Faculty of Education of the University of Ottawa. An award-winning historian of racism and Chinese Canadian experience, in 1976-78 he studied at the Beijing Language's Institute  and Peking University as a participant in the official Canada-China Exchange Scholarship. He is a founding member of the Canada-China Focus Advisory Committee.

WEBINAR: Gaza and Ukraine to WWIII: The NATO Problem
Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM ET
Speakers: Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Medea Benjamin, Yurii Sheliazhenko, Shirine Jurdi, Oleg V. Bodrov, moderated by Tamara Lorincz
Register: https://worldbeyondwar.org/gaza-and-ukraine-to-wwiii-the-nato-problem/
What does NATO have to do with current and looming wars? How does NATO work and what is it working on? How does an alliance whose members and partners make up 69.4% of the world's military spending shape international relations? What alternatives exist? What is being planned by advocates for peace and demilitarization? Organized by World BEYOND War.

Sunday June 16, 2024 at 9am PT / 12pm ET
Speakers: Lars Drake (Sweden), Palle Bendsen (Finland), Ingeborg Breines (Norway), Oleg Bodrov (Russia), Tamara Lorincz (Canada), Bruce Gagnon (U.S.)
Registration and full program here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrdO2tqTIuHNU2kgT-PS1xUzWZcR2tgxXQ#/registration
We will discuss the military tensions, resources, environment, climate, equity, cooperation, peace keeping in the context of the Arctic
Organized by the GWUAN (Global Women for Peace United Against NATO), IPB (International Peace Bureau), Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space and World BEYOND War.

Sunday, June, 16
Time: 4pm Britain / 11am US Eastern / 8am US Pacific
Organized by the International Manifesto Group
Register: https://socialistchina.org/2024/05/29/webinar-china-proves-that-a-new-world-is-possible-delegates-report-back-from-china/

There will be a 24-hour peacewave on June 22: https://24hourpeacewave.org
Organized by World BEYOND War and the International Peace Bureau with many partners. A great line-up from around the world.

Join activists from around the world to protest the biggest war machine in history, NATO, and build a movement for peace and global solidarity. There will be a big conference and rally organized by a coalition of groups. A counter-summit and rally to unwelcome NATO to Washington, D.C., in July:

TAKE ACTION: Please sign and share widely Parliamentary Petition 4979 calling for Canada to withdraw from NATO (Help us get thousands of signatures):
1. Withdraw from NATO;
2. Remove Canadian troops from Latvia;
3. Reduce military spending; and
4. Conduct public consultations on a new foreign policy based on peace and international cooperation.

Take a Photo of Yourself with a sign "Woman Against NATO" by June 15
The Global Women for Peace United Against NATO (GWUAN) is calling for a picture of women/a woman with the message "No to NATO" or "Canada out of NATO" or "Abolish the alliance"; a banner/poster/placard/flyer, opposing NATO (whatever you like: climate, money, GDP 2% ++ demand, NATO going global, militarisation of schools, etc.). Several women can be in one picture each with a banner/poster and your country name should be seen on the picture. Please forward this picture no later than June 15 to: WILPF US member Nancy Price: nancytprice39 at gmail.com<mailto:nancytprice39 at gmail.com>
Learn more about GWUAN here and sign the declaration: https://womenagainstnato.org/

VOW and WILPF raise public alarm about the planned militarization of the north
VOW and WILPF-Canada sent urgent letters to the Governor General Mary Simon and President of the Inuit Circumpolar Council about our concern that the Trudeau government and the Department of National Defence (DND) are planning a massive militarization of the Arctic region for NORAD and NATO. The cost for NORAD modernization is $38.6 billion. The placement of new fighter jets, attack helicopters, warships, armed drones and military bases will cause adverse climate and environmental impacts. The militarization of the north will also cause harm to Inuit communities. We need to make the Arctic a zone of peace, cooperate with all countries including Russia on the climate crisis and protect Indigenous peoples and Arctic wildlife. We also stood with our new banner outside of Parliament, the U.S. Embassy and Rideau Hall, the Governor General's office. Read our letter to the Governor General here: https://vowpeace.org/ or https://wilpfcanada.ca/index.php/2024/06/05/wilpf-calls-on-governor-general-to-reject-militarization-of-the-north/

World BEYOND War is excited to announce #NoWar2024: Resisting the USA's Military Empire, World BEYOND War's annual global conference this September 20-22!
Registration is now open. Click here to get tickets: https://worldbeyondwar.org/nowar2024/


  1.  German parliamentarian Sevim Dagdelen speaks about her new book opposing NATO, excellent interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT3HtG_LKjg&t=74s
  2.  Canadian independent journalist Aaron Mate's important article "How 10 years of US meddling in Ukraine undermined democracy and fueled war" https://www.aaronmate.net/p/how-10-years-of-us-meddling-in-ukraine

Thought I'd share a few of my recent articles:

Women mobilize to oppose NORAD modernization and make the Arctic a zone of peace", People's Voice, June 2024:https://pvonline.ca/2024/06/07/women-mobilize-to-oppose-norad-modernization-and-make-the-arctic-a-zone-of-peace/
My "Reflections on War and Peace at COP 28" was published in WILPF US's magazine "Peace & Freedom" Spring 2024 edition: https://wilpfus.org/documents/peace&freedom/P&F_Spring24-09-yumpu.pdf
My long article in The Canada Files entitled "Hyper-militarist defence policy update and federal budget put Canada on dangerous warpath": https://www.thecanadafiles.com/articles/hyper-militarist-defence-policy-update-and-federal-budget-put-canada-on-dangerous-warpath

A shorter version of my article "New defence update and federal budget recklessly put Canada on a warpath" was published in the Hamilton Spectator, Waterloo Record and Atlantic Saltwire News.: https://www.therecord.com/opinion/contributors/new-defence-update-and-federal-budget-recklessly-put-canada-on-a-warpath/article_25303117-591e-5414-9474-bab5a888b9e6.html

Article "Canada's hyper-militarization accelerates climate breakdown and threatens Indigenous communities" in Space Alert newsletter by the Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space: https://space4peace.org/newsletters/

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