Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Fri Apr 26 12:05:02 EDT 2002



The Quebec Drama Federation would like to remind all those actors,
directors, writers, and dancers interested in the Denise Clarke MasterClass
Workshop that this Wednesday, May 1st is the deadline for application.  The
workshop is seven days, from May 27th to June 2nd, and is geared toward
professional artists.  This is a rare opportunity for artists from Eastern
Canada to experience the innovative and world-renowned techniques of Denise
Clarke and One Yellow Rabbit.  For more information on Denise, please visit
the One Yellow Rabbit website at www.oyr.org.

To apply, send your resume and headshot (if applicable), as well as a cheque
post-dated for May 13th 2002 for the appropriate amount payable to the
Quebec Drama Federation to our offices before May 1st.  Acceptance is
subject to a jury-approval process, and will be based on your level of
experience.  If you are eligible for the Equity discount, please provide
proof of your membership.
Members of both QDF and Equity* (in good standing):     $100

Equity members:                                         $200
QDF members:                                           $200
Non-members:                                            $300

*thanks to Canadian Actors' Equity Association's professional development
fund for facilitating Equity member discount.

All taxes are included.

Space for this workshop is limited - contact QDF at (514) 875-8698 or by
email at qdf at cam.org for more information, but please be quick - the
deadline is Wednesday.

Quebec Drama Federation
460 Ste-Catherine W, #807
Montreal QC
H3B 1A7

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