Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Thu Jun 27 10:21:02 EDT 2002



The class runs July and August for a total of nine weeks, meeting twice
a week in the evenings. Each class is three hours, with a ten-minute
break about halfway through to stretch legs, etc. If we run over we can
probably stay a bit late, your schedules permitting. It is a condensed
intensive class designed to accommodate busy schedules, summer desires,
and to get the maximum from the work. Ideal class size is 12-14, no
more. From the list of interested students, I'll try to schedule classes
to coincide with as many schedules as possible. There is a possibility
of a second section of classes that would meet on alternate nights as

The technique is cumulative and incremental: students enroll for the
entire two months and must make a commitment to be there on a regular
basis. Outside rehearsal with partners is required. Leads to scene work
based on exercises. Also incorporates emotional preparation,
personalization, use and strengthening of objectives. Ultimately the
goal is to be working fully and spontaneously off the behaviour of the
other actor from moment to moment, from your point of view under
imaginary circumstances. Will also demonstrate how this technique is
easily applied to film and television work. This is a technique class,
training the actor to do one of the most difficult things in acting:
truly listen.
: And to be free and spontaneous, also a challenge.

Fee for the entire session is $600CDN for the full 9 weeks. A deposit of
$100 is requested to reserve space in the class, $300 due the first
class, and the balance of $200 due the last week of July.

Equity members are eligible for a 10% discount.

Please call  (416) 823-8279   for further information or email:
bverlaque at hotmail.com  

ROBERT VERLAQUE   completed intensive Meisner training under Master
teacher Fred Kareman, and Wynn Handman of the American Place Theatre in
NYC. Master classes in several techniques and disciplines including
Actor's Studio, Uta Hagen, Stella Adler, and audition techniques
contribute to a wide range of knowledge and expertise fine-tuned by 25
years of professional experience as actor, director, teacher and writer.
He has worked with acclaimed Broadway directors Mike Nichols, Gerry
Gutierrez and Pamela Berlin among others. His students have achieved
considerable success in television, film and Broadway. He is a permanent
faculty member of prestigious American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NY.

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