Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Tue Oct 15 11:26:15 EDT 2002


Dear Fellow Artists and sometime imbibers of friendly spirits and

It has come to my attention that The Auburn Saloon in Calgary is about
to lose its lease as of June 2003.  There is some possibility that if
enough letters and/or names were to be sent to the owner, the space
might be saved at least temporarily. It is my feeling that this is the
most industry friendly Theatre bar in the country and good times have
been had by all over and over again. The Auburn provided the space for
our Silver Anniversary Bash, they have a procedure by which monies can
be donated to the Actor's Fund by purchasing a chair with your name on
it,they held our recent Equity AGM at which owner Jessie Glasnovic
agreed to cut his hair for donations to the Actor's fund. We raised
$788.00. The Auburn has been the official offsite bar for the
PanCanadian Playrites Festival for years and has hosted most of Canada's
Theatre luminaries at one time or another. I think that together we
might be able to save it, so to that end some of our concerned citizens
have set up an e-mail address to which you may send your letter of
support or even just your name and address. The e-mail is
savetheauburn at yahoo.ca. Please take a moment to offer your support to
our cause. Many thanks, Val Pearson

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