Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Mon Feb 17 16:57:04 EST 2003


Audition Call
March 4th and March 5th 10-5pm
Call Backs March 7th. 10-4pm

The Wedding Band
By Alice Childress
A love/hate story in Black and White

The play takes place in the summer of 1918, in South Carolina, USA. This
is a love story about a Black woman and a White man who, have maintained
a ten-year relationship and under South Carolina's laws, in 1918, cannot
marry. Family issues, social issues, racial issues, and health issues
all impact on this love story.

Alice Childress gives us a glimpse of a world we rarely know now, but
has absolutely influenced our present behaviour in this, our "Global
Village" of today.

Roles available for casting:

Teeter- 		Black. An 8 year old or someone small who can
play an adolescent.

Mattie-		Black.  Mother of teeter.  No more than 30 years old. A
desperate single mother living on the edge, and her last nerve.

Lula Green-		Black.  45.  Motherly and very religious. 

Fanny Johnson- 	Black. 50.  Landlady and the self appointed
"representative" of her race.

Nelson Green- 	Black.  20 something.  Rough and angry.

The Bell Man- 	White. 40+.  Sleazy.  Has had a rough life.  Unkempt and

Herman- 		White. 35-40 (lead role).  Very clean cut and
sincere.  A baker by trade.

Annabelle- 		White. 30ish.   Tall and considered a Spinster
for her time.

Princess-		White. 8-10 year old or someone who can play an
adolescent.  A very spoiled child.

Please send or drop off  headshot and resume by February 24th at Pam.
There are scripts to read at Equity Showcase Theatre.
Equity Showcase Theatre
651 Dufferin St. 
Toronto, ON
M6K 2B2
(416) 533-6100 ext 24

e-mail: mail at equityshowcase.ca 

Subject must read: "ATTN: WEDDING BAND"
-photo must be jpeg format and resume in rtf format

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls. 
Equity members cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity
form of contract.
CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the audition. 
Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice. 

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