George Haslam george at caea.com
Thu Jul 31 12:47:11 EDT 2003

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or association listed in the e-drive notice below.


Geordie Productions is holding auditions on August 12th for Equity Actors only for the touring production of Mary`s Wedding, directed by Elsa Bolam.

This production will tour communities in Quebec for approximately 6 weeks.

Rehearsals are scheduled to begin at the end of September ( subject to slight change) and the tour is scheduled to begin three weeks later.


The play takes place over approximately 6 years, from just before the first World War in 1914 until July 1920, the night before Mary`s Wedding. Time and place exist on several interlocking levels, as in dream, and they vary between Canada, England, and the battlefield in France. It`s a story of first love.


Searching for 1M and 1F, between the ages of 18 and 30 (must be able to portray someone in their late teens or early 20`s)

Charlie Edwards- A farm boy who loves horses and is totally at home riding them. About 18 years old. Afraid of lightning, unused to girls. He has an open and sunny disposition, but is awkward and unconfident on social occasions. Joins Lord Strathcona`s Horse regiment, fully expecting what was until then a conventional war fought with cavalry. A romantic, he dreams of leading cavalry charges, but spends most of his time in the trenches. Cannot deal with killing at first, but the need to survive hardens him.

Mary Chalmers- A barefoot girl in a nightgown, about 18 years old. Brave, spunky, and up for adventure. Well educated. Has just arrived in Canada with her mother to join her father. Has not experienced desire until she meets Charlie but her class and the mores of time prevent any relationship but marriage. She passionately tries to prevent Charlie from going to war and just as passionately supports him once he`s gone.

Sergeant Flowerdew- Played by the actor who portrays Mary. Charlie`s superior officer who is very intelligent and would do anything to protect his men. He particularly likes Charlie. In fact he may harbour an unspoken love for him.

Please submit resumés and photos to Dean at Geordie Productions.
By Fax: (514) 845-3634
By e-mail: admin at geordie.ca

We will get back to those people chosen to audition. Thank you. 

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls.

Equity members cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity form of contract. 

CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the audition.

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