Chris Blanchenot chris at caea.com
Mon Apr 26 10:27:40 EDT 2004

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below.

CanStage is calling for submissions for Take Me Out, By Richard
Director:  Morris Panych; Assistant Director:  David Storch

Rehearsals begin December 20, 2004; Opens - January 20, 2005 at the
Bluma Appel Theatre; closes - February 12, 2005.  Auditions - May 20 and
21, 2004.

IMPORTANT:  The nudity in this play is extensive.  Characters are naked
onstage for long periods, and in several scenes are taking showers.  

Kippy Sunderstrom:  Swedish-American.  25-35.  Shortstop.  The most
intelligent man in major league baseball.  Team captain, more or less.
Extremely eloquent and loquacious.  NUDITY.

Darren Lemming:  Centre fielder.  Young, rich, famous, talented,
handsome.  The star player of major league baseball.  Godlike attributes
as an athlete and as a celebrity.  Charismatic and aloof.  Early 20s -
mid 30s.  The child of a white father and a black mother, he is called
"a black man who has obviously never suffered".   NUDITY.  

Davey Battle:  Early 20s - mid 30s.  Darren's best friend.  Like Darren,
a superb athlete, and a superstar celebrity.  Christian fundamentalist
known for his continence and family values.  Tends to speak in an
old-fashioned way.  Kippy calls him "very bombastic".  African-American.

Jason Chenier:  Catcher.  Early 20s - 30s.  New to the team.  He
idolizes Darren.  Ill-educated, inarticulate, and ignorant.
Caucasian.  NUDITY.

Toddy Koovitz:  Early 20s - mid 30s.  Christian fundamentalist.
Caucasian, ignorant bigot.  Does not have the athletic physique of the
other players.  Probably plays first.  NUDITY.

Takeshi Kawabata:   Early 20s - mid 30s.  Recently drafted from a
Japanese team.  Ace pitcher.  For him, baseball is everything:  "When he
wins, he lives; when he loses he dies."  Aside from one monologue in
English, this character speaks only Japanese.  NUDITY.

Martinez:  Early 20s to mid 30s, speaks only Spanish.  Likely drafted
from a team in Cuba.  NUDITY.

Rodriguez:   Early 20s to mid 30s.  Speaks only Spanish.  NUDITY.

Send submissions ASAP and no later than May 7, 2004 to:
Chris Scholey
26 Berkeley Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5A 2W3  
Submit a hard copy resume/photo only - no phone calls or emails -
thanks.  We invite resumes from artists of diverse cultures and
ethnicities.  Please indicate submission is for Take Me Out and for
which character. 

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls. Equity
members cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity form of
contract. CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the

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