CAEA e-drive caea-l at list.web.net
Wed Dec 28 15:33:10 EST 2016

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below.

Production name: The Amorous Servant
Date production rehearsal/job starts: 06/19/2017
Audition date: 01/23/2017
Audition date 2: 01/24/2017
Deadline to submit: 01/13/2017
Email applications to: office at odysseytheatre.ca
Contact name: James Richardson
Contact email: admin at odysseytheatre.ca
Contact phone: (613) 232-8407
Engager Website: www.odysseytheatre.ca

Ethno-cultural mandate or ethno-cultural casting statement:
Odyssey welcomes culturally diverse actors.

Additional information:
Preparation: One classical comedic monologue, and one contrasting monologue
(length: 90 sec. each)

The play: The Amorous Servant is a classic Italian farce that follows the
supremely devoted Corallina as she manipulates her master and the Panzoni
family all in the name of true Honour.

Corallina:   Devoted to Florindo, Corallina must juggle the role of
matchmaker, flirt, wit and most importantly, conscience for the entire
Panzoni family.
Beatrice:     Ottavio’s second wife who is digging straight for the jackpot.
Reeking of ambition, Beatrice wraps herself in equal parts charm and malice
to get her way.
Rosaura:    Daughter to Pantalone, she is surprisingly even keeled, if
slightly lost.
Ottavio Panzoni:  An aging patriarch, well lodged under his wife’s thumb. He
twists himself into knots trying to please those around him.
Florindo:    Ottavio’s son is a lover lost in his own daydream.
Lelio:   Beatrice’s son is a dolt with an ego for miles.
Pantalone:   A rich Venetian merchant, has a charitable soul and a keen eye
for catching friends in distress.
Brighella:    Servant to Pantalone, falls face first in love, while
faithfully holding up his serving tray.
Arlecchino: Servant to Ottavio, a spirited clown and benevolent trickster.

Mask and movement skills are assets.

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls. Equity members
cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity form of contract.
CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the audition.

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria St., 12th floor
Toronto, ON M5C 3C4
communications at caea.com


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