[Sust-mar] re-sending link re: saving canadian journalism and democracy

Janet Larkman janet at larkman.ca
Wed Feb 16 15:20:03 EST 2011

Hello all -  apparently the link sent in the previous email didn't  
work, so I'm trying again:


This should take you to the avaaz.org campaign to stop the CRTC from  
passing a huge loophole to the “fair and balanced” rule that currently  
prevents media from outright lying to the public.  I just checked, and  
they have 58,000 signatures.  The target is 60,000.

Here's what avaaz says:

"Canada's broadcast journalism standards are an impediment to the new  
"Fox News North" (Sun TV) network being set up by Prime Minister  
Harper's cronies, which promises to mimic Fox News -- the poisonous US  
propaganda network. The CRTC rule change, whichallows false news to be  
blasted across Canadian airwaves, comes just as SunTV is about to  
launch. We can stop this -- last year, we prevented Harper cronies  
from pressing the CRTC to fund "Fox News North" with public money.  
Now, we have just two days to raise another national outcry to save  
the standards of Canadian journalism, and our democracy. Sign the  
petition, and then tell everyone about this campaign."

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