Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Thu Oct 10 16:18:03 EDT 2002


2003 Banff playRites Colony

Applications are now being accepted for the 2003 Banff playRites Colony.
The Banff playRites Colony is an artist-defined program, intended to meet the specific needs of each participating playwright. Playwrights  select specific dramaturges to work with on their projects. When the playwright's chosen dramaturge is not available, the Colony may, upon the playwright's request, appoint a senior resident dramaturge to work on the project, in accordance with the playwright's requirements. Creative dialogue is encouraged among playwrights who are at different stages in the writing process and at different stages in their careers. Playwrights, if they desire, may also have shared access to a small resident company of professional actors/readers.

Eligible submissions include works:
*	proposed by emerging or established playwrights;
*	proposed by theatres and/or script development companies;
*	proposed by Canadian translators who are translating Canadian and non-Canadian plays.
Note: With the exception of participants sponsored by the Australia Council for the Arts and the France/Canada/Banff Fund, the Colony offers this program to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants only.

Full-length plays, one-act plays, and plays for young audiences are eligible. The Colony is interested in works of an interdisciplinary nature; however, it is not equipped to support musical theatre or other works which require musical or choreographic dramaturgy.

All applications must include:
*	A non-refundable application processing fee of $50 Cdn and a completed application form.
*	A draft of the relevant play in an unbound form on 8 1/2" x 11" paper.

No three-hole punched or cerlox-bound copies will be accepted. As submissions must be copied for adjudicators, please do not use staples. Original magazine and newspaper clippings, books, tapes, disks or CD-ROMs are not accepted. Only material accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope will be returned.

*	A typed letter outlining:
- where the work currently stands in the writing process and what the playwright anticipates accomplishing during the Colony;
- whether there are confirmed or tentative production or further development plans; and, if so, with whom;
- whether the playwright wishes to request a specific dramaturge; and, if so, whom;
- the period of time the playwright wishes to attend the Colony;
- whether the playwright is requesting additional financial assistance,with a list of other sources from which financial assistance has been requested, and the amount of additional assistance required(maximum $250 per week).
*	A resumé for the playwright and for the specifically requested dramaturge, if any.
*	Any other documentation which the playwright feels would support his or her application.

Applications from theatres or new work development companies must also include:
*	A letter from the theatre or new work development company stating its commitment to, and future plans for, the work;
*	A letter from the playwright confirming his or her interest and availability.
(Please note: The information requested in the application is of critical importance in the selection process.)

The 2003 Banff playRites Colony is presented through an alliance of The Banff Centre, the Canada Council for the Arts, and Alberta Theatre Projects (through the generous sponsorship of TD Securities); and assisted by the Australia Council for the Arts and the  France/Canada/Banff Fund.
Program Directors: John Murrell and Bob White
Associate Director and Co-ordinator of Translation Projects: Linda Gaboriau
Program dates: April 28 - May 17, 2003
Application deadline: November 30, 2002
The Banff Centre
Office of the Registrar
Box 1020, 107 Tunnel Mountain Drive
Banff, Alberta, Canada T1L 1H5
PHONE 403.762.6180 or 1.800.565.9989
FAX 403.762.6345
E-MAIL arts_info at banffcentre.ca

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