Kaethe Yanovsky kaethe at caea.com
Tue Feb 18 11:06:22 EST 2003


Gestalt Institute of Toronto presents: Behind The Mask: A Gestalt
Training Workshop for Actors and Performers.  A weekend, March 14 and
15, 2003.  $175.00 - 20% discount for  Equity and ACTRA members.  Call
to register and find out more.

"This weekend workshop picks up where performance technique classes
leave off.  Through the use of Gestalt techniques actors will have the
opportunity to identify and transform blocks to performance into
confidence and focus.  Participants will include various aspects of
themselves that may be problematic and learn to utilize them in the
acting process.  Through Gestalt therapy, the actor/performer will more
easily enter a neutral and grounded stance from which s/he can shift
into any character.  While personality fragments are important seeds for
developing character, it is integration that is the performer's source
of power and choice."

Gestalt Institute of Toronto, 194 Carlton Street, Toronto ON M5A 2K8
Phone: 416 964 9464  Fax: 416 964 0244 Website: www.gestalt.on.ca

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice. 

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