Chris Blanchenot chris at caea.com
Tue May 4 09:46:05 EDT 2004

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below.


SLACKS AND TOPS is a brilliantly imaginative one act comedy by Harry
Kondoleon, who was a wunderkind of New York's theatre scene, but died
too young of AIDS in the 90s. Completely original, funny, biting, the
play will run as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival, which takes place
from June 20 to July 11, 2004. 

The play is directed by critically acclaimed filmmaker Robert Cohen,
whose awards and nominations include the Gemini Award, Juno Award, Banff
Rockie Award, Silver Hugo, and Rose d'Or De Montreux. Cohen's work have
been described as "touching, clear-eyed and rewarding" by The New York
Times, "brilliant and funny" by The National Post, and "glorious" by The
Globe and Mail, and have broadcast and screened around the world.

THE STORY: In a motel room, Wanda and Edwin are preparing to embark for
Africa. He is a college professor disposed to having affairs with his
students; she is a perennially stoned devotee of Vogue Magazine who
wants to start a new life. Constance, their daughter, arrives in the
midst of her own identity crisis. She is determined to join her parents
escape to Africa, or to stop them. As they confront each other, several
decades of grievances are dredged up, and a murder occurs.

"...snakes through the theatre like an air-raid-siren its caustic,
surreal humour and bizarre vision are original and special." - NY Times.

1.) Constance - Female 25-35 - Mercurial and vulnerable, but likeable, a
young woman who thinks her life is falling apart. 

2.) Wanda - Female 45-55 - A perennially stoned devotee of Vogue
Magazine who spends the play in a pot haze, but is zealous about Africa.
Narcissistic and flighty.

3.) Edwin - Male 45-55 - Smart, good-looking, aggressive, manipulative,
a professor with a propensity for affairs with his students.

Please send photo and resume by Monday, May 10 to:

Robert Cohen / Slacks and Tops   c/o Media Headquarters
Mailing Address: 760 Bathurst Street Studio 2, Toronto, Ontario  M5S 2R6

Auditions will be held during the weeks of May 10 - May 14,
specifications TBA. Please note that only those being auditioned will be
contacted.  Questions may be directed to Robert Cohen at (416) 537-8384
or via e-mail slacksandtops at mediahqs.net.  Thank you.

Equity members will be seen first at all open audition calls. Equity
members cast in this production will be engaged under an Equity form of
contract. CAEA members: please bring your membership card to the

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria Street, 12th Floor
Toronto, ON M5C 3C4

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