Darlene Bullard dbullard at caea.com
Tue Sep 21 09:15:09 EDT 2004

Please direct all responses and inquiries directly to the theatre or
association listed in the e-drive notice below.

>From the Southern Alberta Advisory Committee
It's Your Future - Government of Alberta Survey

The province of Alberta is about to become "debt free" and after the
final debt payment, funds previously earmarked to go toward debt
repayment will be available to be spent in other areas.  The government
of Alberta sent a survey to every household, called "It's Your Future",
asking Albertans what they thought the future priorities of government
spending should be.

Of the nine choices on the first page, increasing spending for Arts and
Culture is not one of them.

The first opportunity to mention Arts and Culture comes in the second
section under "Other", where there is a 300 character field in which to
enter comments.  Following that, the 3rd question asks "If there were
three things your government could do for Alberta's future, what would
they be?", followed by 3 fields in which to enter comments.

CAEA members residing in the province of Alberta are encouraged to fill
out the survey, the deadline for which is Friday, September 24, 2004. We
suggest you write, under section 2, I am concerned with Arts funding in
Alberta.  "Please double the funding for the Alberta Foundation for the
Arts," and under section 3 to put "Please double funding for the AFA."

Not sure where the survey is online?  Go to:

As well, please call your local MLA and ask the same thing.  Form
letters are generally ignored, but phone calls are logged, and if an MLA
gets 30 phone calls about a subject, they start to pay attention.

Not sure what to say?  Say: "Hi.  My name is ________.  I'm calling
because I'd like to talk to you about the Alberta Foundation for the
Arts.  As you know, it was set up in 1988 with a budget of $19 million.
The budget has not increased since its inception.  I'd like you to
support an initiative to double funding for the AFA."

Not sure who your MLA is?  Go to

Canadian Actors' Equity Association
44 Victoria Street, 12th Floor
Toronto, ON M5C 3C4

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