[CANUFNET] tree setback from stop signs

Ward, Greg GAWard at surrey.ca
Tue Jun 5 11:11:04 EDT 2007

    Our guideline is to plant the trees 8 meters from the stop sign in order to create an 8 meter sight line triangle.  In the triangle the stop sign is located at the point of the 90 degree angle of the triangle and the trees at the two remaining points of 45 degrees of the triangle. This apparently meets Engineering road design standards for ensuring the stop sign is visible and the intersection sight lines are maintained to safe standards.  In most cases we are also try to located the tree further in from the curb to increase the visibility of the stop sign. 
Greg Ward 
Manager, Urban Forestry and Environmental Programs 
City of Surrey, B.C. 
604 501 5170 


-----Original Message-----
From: canufnet-bounces at list.web.net [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net]On Behalf Of SVescio at thunderbay.ca
Sent: June 4, 2007 11:26 AM
To: canufnet at list.web.net
Subject: [CANUFNET] tree setback from stop signs

I need to get some quick stats.  Would you please tell me what the setback is for a tree from a stop sign in your community?  Our Engineering Division is looking at developing a standard that would have them set back 30m.  This seems excessive to me and I need to know other municipalities are using.  Thanks. 

Shelley Vescio 
City Forester 
Thunder Bay, Ontario 


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