[CANUFNET] EAB in Toronto

Philip van Wassenaer pwassenaer1022 at rogers.com
Fri Dec 7 10:55:42 EST 2007

EAB has been officially confirmed in the City of Toronto. This is sad news
since it seems that both the CFIA and the all other agencies will not
recognize that there are products available that will very effectively
manage the insect in a specific tree.the only option put forth is to cut and
replant.that is a huge number of trees across Ontario and eventually Canada
to go missing..


We need to have the choice to manage high value trees with something other
than a chainsaw!!!




Philip van Wassenaer, B. Sc., MFC

Urban Forest Innovations Inc.

1253 Crossfield Bend

Mississauga, Ontario

L5G 3P5

Tel:905 2741022

Fax: 905 274 2170

Cell: 647 221 3046


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