[CANUFNET] Street Planting containers

P Murray pmurray5 at cogeco.ca
Sun Mar 9 17:00:33 EDT 2008

Hello;  Our town public works department has requested our ( the Gananoque Urban Forest Committee) assistance in implementing their task of planting trees on the main business section of town. They have resolved the criteria for the project : Trees are to be smaller, such as Japanese Liliac ; they will have a life "expectancy " of 7 to 10 years then be replaced; and they are to be planted in some form of "pot" or "liner"  that will limit lateral root growth and will facilitate easy removal. We understand that there are plastic "pots" available for this type of planting, but we don't know where to find them. Is anyone aware of this procedure, where the pots are obtained , and are there words of advice regarding this system of street planting? Peter Murray, RPF retired, Chair GUFC.
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