[CANUFNET] Community based planning

Brad Gurr gurrb at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 20 18:46:37 EDT 2008


This was a community based planning project I managed.

The community is different but the methodology is sound.

It involves both community meetings and key individual  "tailgate"


The completed document is here feel free to contact me via email to discuss.



Brad Gurr  " Dedicated to the Care and Preservation of Trees"

--- On Mon, 10/20/08, BDoff at thunderbay.ca <BDoff at thunderbay.ca> wrote:
From: BDoff at thunderbay.ca <BDoff at thunderbay.ca>
Subject: [CANUFNET] Community based planning
To: canufnet at list.web.net
Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 8:53 PM

I’m under the notion that successful
city planning requires planners to be in-tune with their community’s true
values and vision in order to appropriately and realistically plan for
the future.  In the same manner, city foresters need to determine
the heart and soul of their community before their planning process can
be truly effective.  We are presently exploring how we can accomplish
this in Thunder Bay as we develop our urban forest master plan. How would
you approach this?  What values are essential in influencing your
plan?  Would you work through a community based steering team?  What
questions would you ask?  Any insight would be helpful!   

Bradley Doff, HBScF

Tree Stewardship Program Coordinator 

& Urban Forestry Technician 

The City of Thunder Bay

807.625.3731 (tel)

807.625.3258 (fax)

brad at treestewardship.com

Parks Division, Victoriaville Civic Centre

111 Syndicate Avenue South

Thunder Bay ON P7E 6S4


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