[CANUFNET] FW: CANUFNET Digest, Vol 49, Issue 3 Re 1. Re: Urban Tree Species Selection (Fisher, Brian)

Fisher, Brian Brian.Fisher at bchydro.com
Thu Dec 4 17:19:32 EST 2008

A well-written defence, although I'm not sure why.
When I get letters from an official representing an "Invasive Plant
Council" saying that "ANY Non-native planting is
promoting invasives" I see it as dogmatic.
>From my perspective, a bad experience with one imported species
(probably without much supporting research)
shouldn't be a reason to throw out the whole suite of other choices.
I am certainly not opposed to planting native species.  I do, however,
think the "natives only" is a bit overdone.
Our nursery sciences have advanced a long way since some of our
pioneering bad experiences.
No we don't want invasives taking over, but diversity also has its
merits, particularly in areas where climate 
change is making the environment less hospitable to natives.
We have more information now than we used to. We have strong imports (no
longer really "exotics") which enhance
the liveability of our communities, do not hamper native growth and are
sometimes less susceptible to insects and disease.
Imports or exotics may be appropriate in some areas particularly where
there are significant environmental changes happening.
It is, in my opinion, a bit of an overstatement to suggest that any
planting of a non-native anywhere is an experiment. 
In many cases, we have long term background and experience to support
those choices.
Lastly, support for the wise selection of BAM within the urban
landscape, at least from me, does not eliminate the consideration
of appropriate natives.  I did not suggest that support for native
species was dogmatic. I did imply that the attacking of any other
choice except a native was dogmatic.
Now if we can just get those Lombardi poplars onto the noxious weed list


-----Original Message-----
From: canufnet-bounces at list.web.net
[mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Boysen, Barb (MNR)
Sent: 2008, December 04 11:56 AM
To: canufnet at list.web.net
Subject: [CANUFNET] FW: CANUFNET Digest, Vol 49,Issue 3 Re 1. Re: Urban
Tree Species Selection (Fisher, Brian)


I can't resist replying re the support of native species being called
dogmatic.  I hope such arguments, surely well meaning if annoying, won't
prevent people from looking at the bigger picture. One species'
significant trouble under climate change impacts shouldn't be a reason
to throw out the whole suite of other choices.



-----Original Message-----
From: canufnet-bounces at list.web.net
[mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Stephen Cushing
Sent: 2008, December 01 4:44 PM
To: Canadian Urban Forest Network
Subject: [CANUFNET] Urban Tree Species Selection

Hello everyone, 

I am doing research on urban tree species selection, based on
environmental stresses.   I am trying to find examples of municipalities
or organizations that have developed, use selection criteria, or follow
a defined process in selecting urban trees. Other than providing lists
of trees to choose from, most municipal websites and documents do not
outline how urban foresters are  selecting the trees they do. 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. 

Stephen Cushing
MLA Candidate 2009.   

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