[CANUFNET] To Mulch or Not To Mulch

Philip van Wassenaer pwassenaer1022 at rogers.com
Thu Mar 31 09:47:04 EDT 2011

I agree that the organics are very important as well protecting the fine new
roots we need to encourage.


Mulch is good. Bad mulching practices are bad!



Philip van Wassenaer, B.SC., MFC

1248 Minnewaska Trail

Mississauga, Ontario

Canada, L5G 3S5

Tel:  (905) 274-1022

Cell: (647) 221 3046

Fax: (905) 274 2170

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www.urbanforestinnovations.com <http://www.urbanforestinnovations.com/> 





From: canufnet-bounces at list.web.net [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net]
On Behalf Of Jack Radecki
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 5:29 PM
To: 'Canadian Urban Forest Network'
Subject: Re: [CANUFNET] To Mulch or Not To Mulch


These new findings contradict my 35 years of experience in the field and
monitoring tree growth throughout. Perhaps  they are talking about mulch
volcanoes or excess mulch over the root zone. I have only seen the benefits
and the proof is the resuts that I have seen over many years. 

Ask yourself the questions about how organic matter is replenished in a
forest? Trees "feed" themselves from their own litter. Without the mulch you
put the tree into an inorganic, inert world and prone to the many problems
that we are aware of, drought obviously is the main killer of young trees.


Jack Radecki Registered Consulting Arborist 342



From: canufnet-bounces at list.web.net [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net]
On Behalf Of terri smith
Sent: March-30-11 12:49 PM
To: Canufnet Canufnet
Subject: [CANUFNET] To Mulch or Not To Mulch


I would like to know if there are any municipalities that have stopped
applying mulch on newly planted boulevard trees.  Current research indicates
that mulch should not be placed over the root ball because it causes roots
to grow up into the mulch area, it also causes roots to remain within the
root ball area instead of growing out laterally, and it actually prevents
the water from penetrating deep into the soil.  Dr. Ed Gilman and Dr. Hannah
Mathers both agree that no more than 2 - 2.5 inches of mulch should be
applied outside of the root ball area (if mulch is still going to be
applied) and both are in agreement that mulch provides no benefit to the
tree.  At 2 inches of mulch there is little to no weed suppression.


These new findings contradict our current mulching practices and have
created much debate within our department.  I would like to hear from other
municipalities that have either discontinued mulching or have never mulched
their blvd trees.  Is there a need to increase the amount or frequency of


Terri Smith

Urban Forestry

City of Saskatoon

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