[CANUFNET] Stormwater management adjacent to woodlots

Peter Wynnyczuk peter.wynnyczuk at richmondhill.ca
Thu Jul 19 11:21:18 EDT 2012

I'll speak to a couple of points
There may be ground water impacts depending on what buried pipes are in the area and the depth of the SWP.
Where there are large pipes +- 950 cm buried at depths on say 4m +, typically in my understanding the bedding of the granular pipe bedding can be a conduit for the accumulation of ground water  moving it  down the pipe bedding.

Yes there can be water table impacts and knowing the hydrology of the area and the soil bore hole test results can help form the optimum location of the SWP. Tough sell as usually it is the low point Developers design to using gravity to deal with the storm runoff and existing in some cases natural water venues.

Run off into woods usually brings silt and other soluble chemicals as the runoff generally comes from the roads and driveways with oil, antifreeze, solvents, soap + road salt to name a few.
The silt alone is enough to smother the roots where there are breeches in the filter fabric or sediment control over the few years the construction and subsequent infrastructure is built feeding into the pond.

Hope you have sufficient funds to deal with the "unique material" accumulated at the bottom of the pond that will have to be dredged in the future as siltation occurs or have sufficient space on site to store the "unique material.

Further as they mature the SWP become venues for something called "wildlife"  that can establish in the area and when you dredge.......

Peter Wynnyczuk

Urban Forestry Supervisor
Town of Richmond Hill
Community Services Department
Telephone:  905 780-2930
Fax:  905 780-2928
Internet: pwynnyczuk at richmondhill.ca

From: canufnet-bounces at list.web.net [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Young, Nancy
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 3:36 PM
To: canufnet at list.web.net
Cc: Moran, Joanne
Subject: [CANUFNET] Stormwater management adjacent to woodlots

Hello all,

As I have been running across this issue more and more lately, I'm wondering if any of you have experience with the installation of stormwater management infrastructure (catch basins, SWM ponds, SW storage tanks, etc) next to urban woodlots?

I am primarily seeking input on the following:

-          how close to the woodlot edge can these systems be installed without fatally damaging the root systems? Is staying outside of the static root zone enough? Are there setback requirements used in your municipalities?

-          have these systems been shown to detrimentally affect the groundwater available to the woodlots?

-          is there any remediation work that could be done in woodlots following installation to increase survival (crown reduction to compensate for root loss, installation of irrigation systems,  etc.)?

-          or, depending on the existing species, salt deposition in the area, etc,  is it better not to install storm water systems and direct runoff into woodlots?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Nancy Young, RPF | Forester| Forestry Services Branch | City of Ottawa
* 100 Constellation Crescent, Ottawa, ON, K2G 6J8 |
* 613-580-2424 Ext 13581 | Fax: 613-580-2611
* nancy.young at ottawa.ca | þ City of Ottawa - Trees and community forests<http://www.ottawa.ca/en/env_water/tlg/trees/index.html>

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