[CANUFNET] TreeAzin, drought and deep-root watering?

sfisher at cmhc-schl.gc.ca sfisher at cmhc-schl.gc.ca
Thu Jul 26 12:53:22 EDT 2012

Does anyone know if deep-root watering will enable TreeAzin to be 
effective after the drought we're having in Ottawa, in case we don't get 
enough rain between now and the closing of the TreeAzin-effective window 
(end of August)?  There is a risk that we may miss the window if we don't 
get enough rain in the next few weeks. It would be helpful to know if 
anyone has any experience or seen any research on whether a deep root 
watering/fertilizing would be enough to make the TreeAzin injection 
effective in the absence of some good, long rainy days.

Susan Fisher, Landscape Architect
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