[CANUFNET] Urban forest values workshop

James Steenberg james.steenberg at dal.ca
Wed Sep 12 16:36:50 EDT 2012

Greetings CANUFNET members,


I'm a researcher working with Dr. Peter Duinker at Dalhousie University in
Halifax.  Peter, along with a group of other Profs, research associates, and
students from several universities are in the process of delivering a
workshop across the country targeted towards urban forest professionals
(arborists, foresters, planners, landscape architects, and academics).  The
purpose of the workshop is to communicate the findings of our research
studying how Canadians value their urban forests and to facilitate
discussions on the implications for local urban forest management.  The
workshop is a pre-conference event to the 10th Canadian Urban Forest
Conference.  Please see the attached for more specific information, or see
the CUFC website <http://cufc10.ca/schedule/> .


We would like to extend an invitation to the workshop on October 01 from
12:30 to 16:00 (lunch included) at the London Convention Centre in London,
Ontario.  There is no cost for attendance, but please RSVP If you would like
to attend.  Thank you very much.


James Steenberg



James Steenberg

Research Associate

Dalhousie University

Tel: 416-206-1958

Email:  <mailto:james.steenberg at dal.ca> james.steenberg at dal.ca


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