[CANUFNET] Happy National Tree Day!

LEAF - Michelle Bourdeau michelle at leaftoronto.org
Wed Sep 26 15:50:04 EDT 2012

Happy National Tree Day!

In honour of our leafy friends, I want to take the opportunity to share
LEAF’s Ontario Residential Tree Benefits Estimator (
http://www.yourleaf.org/estimator). In partnership with Dr. Andrew
Millward, (Urban Forest Research & Ecological Disturbance Group) Ryerson
University, LEAF created a tool that will help people understand and
quantify some of the benefits that their tree(s) provide. Similar tools
exist, but this is the first estimator that is specific to Ontario – using
climate data from over 25 Ontario cities!

LEAF’s Tree Benefit Estimator will provide approximate values for:

• kWh saved

• Value of energy saved

• Sequestered CO2 (kg)

• Avoided CO2 (kg)

• Stormwater mitigation (l)

• Air pollution removed (kg)

• CTLA replacement value

Today, when you are thinking of how great your own trees are, I encourage
you to try out the estimator to discover some of the many benefits they are
providing. And if you don’t have any trees, the estimator can also help you
plan out where to plant a tree in your yard to optimize your energy savings.

I also ask that you share the estimator widely!


Michelle Bourdeau

Michelle Bourdeau
Manager, Residential Planting Programs
B.Sc Forest Conservation, ISA Certified Arborist
LEAF - Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests
Artscape Wychwood Barns
601 Christie St. Suite #253
Toronto, ON  M6G 4C7
416-413-9244 ext. 11

@LEAF_to on twitter
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