[CANUFNET] Urban Orchards

LEAF - Michelle Bourdeau michelle at yourleaf.org
Wed Nov 7 09:05:53 EST 2012

Hi Geoff,

There is a community orchard in Toronto that started up about 2-3 years
ago. I bet Susan Poizner from this project could provide a lot of insight!


On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 10:00 AM, McLeod, Geoff (IS - Parks) <
Geoff.McLeod at saskatoon.ca> wrote:

> The City of Saskatoon is currently in the process of doing some fact
> finding as it pertains to the mass planting of fruit bearing trees and
> shrubs. I would like to know who out there is familiar with any urban
> orchard type scenarios that have been planted in cities.  This could range
> from small scale plantings in community gardens to larger scale plantings
> is green spaces.  What are the successes and challenges?  What are minimum
> requirements for having such a set up? What resources such as community
> input and commitment, etc etc etc.****
> ** **
> Thank you for your input.****
> ** **
> Geoff McLeod****
> ** **
> *“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but
> a habit.” ***
> ** **
> *Geoff* *McLeod***
> BSc, BSF, MSc****
> Superintendent****
> Urban Forestry and Pest Management****
> City of Saskatoon****
> Parks Branch****
> Ph: 306.975.2537  Fax: 306.975.3034****
> Email: geoff.mcleod at saskatoon.ca****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **

Michelle Bourdeau
Special Projects
B.Sc. Forest Conservation, ISA Certified Arborist
LEAF - Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests
Artscape Wychwood Barns
253 - 601 Christie St.
Toronto, ON M6G 4C7

416-413-9244 x16


Improving city life one tree at a time
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