[CANUFNET] Research project on Urban Forest establishment in Southern Ontario‏

peter.wynnyczuk at sympatico.ca peter.wynnyczuk at sympatico.ca
Fri Feb 27 14:50:00 EST 2015

 Hello Members.A request came to me for follow-up. There appears to be  access to the information after the work is complete. There may be some flexibility on the response date. 
Hi,I am a student at McMaster University working with the Hamilton Naturalists’ Club on a research project reviewing southern Ontario urban forest tree establishment practices. 

Please help us to develop a cross-jurisdictional assessment of current tree establishment procedures by completing the following questionnaire:http://goo.gl/forms/zx59bfqAnn 
Can you also please forward any documents describing your tree planting program, and/or policies and strategies that you have developed related to tree planting? 
I will be happy to provide you with a copy of tabulated research results and report. Your participation in this research is much appreciated. Please complete the form by March 2, 2015 and should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you-- 
Pakeezah SaadatHonors Biology IIIsaadatp at mcmaster.ca 
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