[CANUFNET] Bartlett Tree Research Facility - Suspended Pavement Systems

Hamilton, Emily EmilyHamilton at surrey.ca
Thu Jan 7 19:16:39 EST 2016

Hi Mike,

Thanks for sharing these results, they are very interesting! Do you have more information regarding this study? Such as total soil (cell) volume for each tree? Is the root space volume limited at the edge of the structural soil/cell boundaries as they sometimes are in urban conditions too? Or can the roots expand beyond that in this situation? Is there a complete report available?

Also, I'd be even more curious about longer term affects. Is there intention for this study to continue on?

Emily Hamilton | Environmental Technician - Arboriculture

Trees and Landscape Section, Building Division - Planning and Development
13450 104th Ave, Surrey, BC, Canada V3T 1V8
T 604.591.4560 www.surrey.ca/treeprotection<www.surrey.ca>

From: CANUFNET [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Mike James
Sent: December-28-15 11:35 AM
To: canufnet at list.web.net
Subject: [CANUFNET] Bartlett Tree Research Facility - Suspended Pavement Systems

Attached is the first year of data from this long term study on Suspended Pavement Systems.

Michael James  |  General Manager
t 800 561 3883 m 604 220 9521

DeepRoot Canada<deeproot.com> Corp.
LinkedIn<https://ca.linkedin.com/pub/mike-james/1a/107/529> | Flickr<https://www.flickr.com/photos/deeproot/collections/> | Twitter<twitter.com/rethinktrees> | Blog<deeproot.com/blog>

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