[CANUFNET] managing forest health in urban natural areas

Alice Casselman alice.casselman37 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 15:59:13 EDT 2016

Hi Nadia

Great to hear from you 
was just  recently in BC - and looked for largess arbutus tree on Saanich peninsula while visiting friends 

so interested in your question as we deal with one-hectare forest plots using Smithsonian and Env Canada protocols

We have , as a charity, a tree health assessment for our citizen scientists based on MNR Ontario  protocol from some years ago 
we use photos and diagrams 

I have asked some forestry folks here to see what I can find for you

Alice Casselman
Cell 905-601-7685

On Apr 12, 2016, at 1:31 PM, Chan, Nadia <NChan at surrey.ca> wrote:

> Good morning,
> The City of Surrey is currently managing tree risk in forested parks for naturally occurring forest pathogens such as Phellinus sulphurascens and Phaeolus schweinitzii. In some parks the disease is being managed to prevent the spread from an infected area of the forest into healthy stands by creating containment buffers. In other park areas the trees are being managed for risk to infrastructure (ex. roads, houses, trails sports fields). In addition to forest pathogens, the City is actively managing an outbreak of Douglas-fir bark beetle in a few remnant forest stands.  
> I would like to know if any other municipality has a forest disease/pest program that would be willing to share. In particular, I’m interested in how frequently risk assessments are completed and how trees with known forest health concerns are being assessed (if differently from TRAQ/TRACE)
> Thanks very much,
> Nadia
> Urban Forestry and Environmental Programs
> 6651 148 St, Surrey, BC, Canada V3S 3C7
> T 604.501.5167 | F 604.501.5177 | www.surrey.ca

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