[CANUFNET] Oak tree top dieback

JackRadecki jackandali at sympatico.ca
Mon May 30 14:57:57 EDT 2016

I have seen this type of dieback many times in Pyramidal English Oak. It
always has been a main vector or two lined chesnut borer combined with leaf
Jack Radecki  Registered Consulting Arborist 342

-----Original Message-----
From: CANUFNET [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Ethier
Sent: May 30, 2016 11:53 AM
To: Canadian Urban Forest Network
Subject: Re: [CANUFNET] Oak tree top dieback

Was the tree rolled around ? planted in a heat wave, was there a desiccant
applied? Was the tree staked at any time with coil attachments, (ligature)
on the bark and cambium ? 
I agree with a possible mechanical problem and would investigate when, how
it was planted and what kind of stress it had other than lots of water.
Trimming will need regular management to recreate a stem leader but will
most certainly have a structural weakness. 

Elaine Ethier

> Le 30 mai 2016 à 11:39, Michael Richardson <mrtree at kos.net> a écrit :
> It is most certainly not oak wilt.  There is no (known) oak wilt in 
> Ontario and it does  not look like your leaves.
> I am tempeted to suspect root/root-collar damage but of course this is 
> simply a guess without evidence.  I would be examining the root collar 
> and the area between the live and dead portions of the tree.
>> Hi everyone
>> I'm visiting family in Windsor Ontario and my aunt has a  Quuercus 
>> robur 'Fastigiata' The top is dead from the top to about one meter 
>> from the ground.  The tree did non leaf out this spring except for 
>> the bottom meter of the tree. I know the weather  has been wet in the 
>> summer in the Windsor area the last few summers. I believe it is 
>> anthracnose or oak wilt. It looks like anthracnose but not sure if 
>> the disease would cause 80% of the tree to die. I suggested to prune 
>> the dead out and let the tree grow from the base but if it is oak 
>> wilt I don't want it to spread to there other oaks. Has anyone else had
this problem in the area from the wet weather.
>> Or dose anyone know what we are dealing with. The picture is a few 
>> leaves from the part of the tree That did leaf out this year and the 
>> disease is only on about 10 % of what is left alive.
>> Thank you
>> Shawn Riberdy

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