[CANUFNET] Release of State of the Urban Forest in the GTA Report

Adrina Bardekjian abardekjian at treecanada.ca
Thu Jun 2 07:34:35 EDT 2016

Sent on behalf of Michelle Sawka, Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition:

Subject: GIO: Release of State of the Urban Forest in the GTA Report

Good morning,

The Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition is very pleased to release the State of the Urban Forest in the GTA report, concurrent with the first day of the 2016 Grey to Green Conference<http://greytogreenconference.org/>.

This report provides an overview of the region's urban forest and emphasizes the need to manage this resource as a vital green infrastructure asset. It was a collaborative effort of 17 municipal and regional partners, bound together by a shared goal to preserve and enhance our urban forest.  This concise, graphic report highlights the key benefits we receive and outlines some of the challenges and opportunities associated with growing a healthy urban forest in the region. The Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition and partners urge stakeholders to share this report with decision makers from all levels of government to help build strong policies and programs that protect and grow our urban forests.

To download a copy of the report, click here<http://www.greeninfrastructureontario.org/sites/greeninfrastructureontario.org/files/GTA_Urban_Forest_Report.pdf>. To download a copy of the report summary of key messages, click here<http://www.greeninfrastructureontario.org/sites/greeninfrastructureontario.org/files/GTA_Urban_Forest_Summary.pdf>.

Thank you very much to all the partners and the Ontario Trillium Foundation for supporting this work.

Thank you,

Michelle Sawka | Project Manager, Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition
Phone 416-661-6600 x5337 | Cell 647-287-6540 |msawka at trca.on.ca


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