[CANUFNET] Canadian municipalities with UF mandates

Adrina Bardekjian abardekjian at treecanada.ca
Mon Aug 8 10:56:40 EDT 2016

? Dear CUFN Members,

Many thanks to those of you who responded to my request to identify municipalities with urban forest management plans and mandates. As a result, I wanted to share with you the updated list<http://media.wix.com/ugd/64e90e_66b0ab3b30084782af81c251c6a25549.pdf> located on the CUFN Resources page<http://www.cufn.ca/#!canadian-municipalities-with-uf/c1ysj>.

Please note that Tree Canada is currently updating this website to better archive our ?CUFN resources. If you have any further additions to this list, please contact me directly.


Adrina C. Bardekjian, MFC, PhD
Manager, Urban Forestry Programs and Research Development
Gestionnaire des Programmes forestiers urbains et du d?veloppement de la recherche
Tree Canada | Arbres Canada
470 rue Somerset St. West/ouest |Ottawa, ON K1R 5J8
abardekjian at treecanada.ca / abardekjian at arbrescanada.ca
treecanada.ca<http://treecanada.ca/> / arbrescanada.ca<http://arbrescanada.ca/>
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