[CANUFNET] CUFN - Pacific Region Workshop 2017

Englund, Lanny via CANUFNET canufnet at list.web.net
Tue Oct 10 15:59:45 EDT 2017

Please consider attending this exciting event, it is free and ISA CEU's are available.  As you will read below it is happening in conjunction with an Urban Forestry public event being held that evening at UBC that you are also welcome to attend, so please consider staying for that session as well.

Lanny Englund
Pacific Region Representative
Canadian Urban Forest Network


CUFN - Pacific Region Workshop 2017

Urban Forest Diversity: Technical Innovations and Case Studies<https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/urban-forest-diversity-technical-innovations-case-studies-tickets-38373855234>

University of British Columbia, Forest Sciences Building
2424 Main Mall, Room FSC 1220

October 23, 2017

CUFN-Pacific Region and any others interested.

Click here to register today<https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/urban-forest-diversity-technical-innovations-case-studies-tickets-38373855234>


Presentation topic and speakers

2:30-3:00 PM

Ensuring diverse and resilient urban forests

Metro Vancouver's urban forest climate adaptation framework

Presenters: Josephine Clark, Regional Planning, Metro Vancouver, and Amelia Needoba, Diamond Head Consulting

3:30 - 4:00

Co-management of Jericho Park's biodiversity

The City of Vancouver's biodiversity strategy: A case study

Presenters: Frank Hentzlemann, Jericho Stewardship Group, and Nick Page, City of Vancouver

3:00 - 3:30

Connecting diverse individuals to stewardship needs

An overview of Green Teams Canada

Presenter: Lyda Salatin, Green Teams Canada

4:00 - 4:30

A tree diversity strategy for city shade trees

The City of Surrey's shade tree management plan

Presenter: Rob Reny, City of Surrey

4:30 - 5:00

Summary and Discussion

Moderators: Lanny Englund, City of Coquitlam and Judith Cowan, B.A. Blackwell & Associates

Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A period.

*International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) CEUs are available*

This workshop is held concurrently a Peter Wall Institute International Roundtable: Do Rainbows Come in Green? - Urban Forests and Multicultural Citizenship. Immediately following our workshop, a Free Public Event, associated with this Roundtable, will be held in the Atrium and Auditorium of the Forest Sciences Centre from 5:00 to 7:00pm. The event is comprised of an initial networking portion with a photo exhibit and dance performance, followed by a panel discussion. All workshop attendees are welcome to join this event. Light refreshments will be served.


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