[CANUFNET] Ecohealth in Action Workshop - Nov. 9

Kaknevicius, Jessica - Forests Ontario via CANUFNET canufnet at list.web.net
Wed Oct 11 09:14:11 EDT 2017

Good afternoon,

Please find the registration link for the upcoming EcoHealth Ontario: Ecohealth in Action workshop, to be held in Toronto on November 9th https://actionpage.causeview.com/actionpage/42315201705080113

Ecohealth in Action is a day-long workshop that will be held in conjunction with the Ontario Public Health Association Fall Forum and World Town Planning Day. EcoHealth Ontario will welcome 100 participants from the fields of planning, public health, medicine, policy, education, conservation, forestry, parks & recreation, and more, to build knowledge and inspire action in enhancing access to quality greenspaces.

The event will feature inspiring speakers, panels, networking opportunities and interactive learning sessions. Each component will support participants in:

•  Learning how practitioners in diverse sectors are influencing policies and programs that support access to greenspaces for the health and wellbeing of their communities

•  Exploring opportunities for multi-sector collaboration

•  Learning more about EcoHealth Ontario and resources developed by the collaborative

•  Understanding the place of collective action in fostering change

Here are the details:

November 9th


Chestnut Conference Centre, Toronto

100 delegates

Also, be sure to check out the Improving Ontario's Ecohealth video from Powerline Films on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/221929119

With thanks,

Jessica Kaknevicius
Director of Forest Education and Awareness
Forests Ontario
144 Front St. West, Suite 700
Toronto, ON, M5J 2L7
416-646-1193 x. 226
jkaknevicius at forestsontario.ca
<mailto:jkaknevicius at forestsontario.ca%0b>www.forestsontario.ca<http://www.forestsontario.ca/>

DYK: healthy forests & their roots keep water clean! #ItTakesAForest<http://www.ittakesaforest.ca/>

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