[CANUFNET] FW: Manitoba Urban Forestry Workshop

Barwinsky, Martha via CANUFNET canufnet at list.web.net
Wed Mar 7 13:36:34 EST 2018


This is just a reminder to register for the Manitoba Urban Forestry Workshop that is being held at the Canad Inns in Portage la Prairie on March 14th. The deadline for registration is March 9th.

This one day workshop will bring municipal planners/operations staff from Manitoba municipalities together to learn about urban forestry in the province. Attendees will have a chance to meet with other municipalities to discuss urban forest issues and the unique challenges faced by Manitoba municipalities. Topic areas include:

*        The successes and challenges of urban forestry programs in Manitoba including Morden, Brandon, Portage la Prairie and others

*        Information on the Canadian Urban forest Network and the Canadian Urban Forest Strategy

*        Updates on invasive forest pests in Manitoba, including the status of emerald ash borer in the province

*        Other considerations such as tree inventories, arboriculture, tree selection, and public engagement


Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/manitoba-urban-forestry-workshop-tickets-42677157527

We hope to see municipal decision makers, parks and operations staff, and those who are interested in enhancing Manitoba's urban forests at the workshop!

If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to contact me, or you can contact Paul Ziesmann (p.ziesmann at brandon.ca<mailto:p.ziesmann at brandon.ca> ).

Please forward this to anyone else you think may be interested in participating in this event!


Kyla Maslaniec
Acting Urban Forester
Forestry and Peatlands Branch,
Manitoba Sustainable Development
1129 Queens Avenue, Brandon MB, R7A 1L9
Office: 204-726-6444
Cell: 204-573-6201
Fax: 204-726-6301

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