[CANUFNET] Tree roots in sewer lines

Alexis Wiessler alexis.wiessler at live.ca
Wed Apr 10 19:58:33 EDT 2019

Hi Lindsay,

I generally feel that bylaws are best left a little less specific with room for City arborists to make a judgement call. I agree with Naomi that a blockage likely requires a repair to the line itself. In Surrey, only certain arboricultural contractors are permitted to do any work on City-owned trees. That could be a solution, so that no matter the specific issue, Kitchener can simply narrow down the list of people who are allowed to complete the work, whatever it may be. This way, contractor meets City specifications for insurance, and can assure best management practice. This looks different if you are dealing with private property trees, if they are protected in your municipality.



Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Lindsay Button via CANUFNET <canufnet at list.web.net>
Date: 2019-04-10 5:38 a.m. (GMT-08:00)
To: canufnet at list.web.net
Cc: Lindsay.Button at kitchener.ca
Subject: [CANUFNET] Tree roots in sewer lines

Good morning members,

I’m interested in your thoughts on a matter we are dealing with here at the City of Kitchener. Our legal department is recommending we amend our City Tree By-law to create an exception which would allow people to cut roots of municipal trees, for the purpose of unblocking sewer laterals. We have fairly standard language that states no person is permitted to prune or remove any part of a City tree, and legal is arguing that people who clear roots from sewers are technically in violation of the by-law.

Has anyone encountered this argument and how was it resolved?

Many thanks for your input!

Lindsay Button
Urban Forest Technologist | Parks and Cemeteries | City of Kitchener
519-741-2600 x4181 | TTY 1-866-969-9994 | lindsay.button at kitchener.ca
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