[CANUFNET] CANUFNET Digest, Vol 174, Issue 1

JPM TREE SERVICE tree treeguy at shaw.ca
Tue Sep 3 15:07:30 EDT 2019

-be sure to guy it, four points on the compass, especially on the upslope side
-3 to 5 inches of mixed wood chip mulch, depending on porosity, out to the dripline
	-keep away from the trunk of course
-remove only dead branches; keep as much live foliage
-water, water, water
-mix some compost with biochar (20:1 and add to new soil at the edge of the feeder roots


John Martyn, Consulting Arborist
JPM Tree Service
Since 1996
Coquitlam, BC
www.jpmtree.com <http://www.jpmtree.com/>

> On Sep 3, 2019, at 11:40 AM, canufnet-request at list.web.net wrote:
> Send CANUFNET mailing list submissions to
> 	canufnet at list.web.net
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> 	https://list.web.net/lists/listinfo/canufnet
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> 	canufnet-request at list.web.net
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> 	canufnet-owner at list.web.net
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of CANUFNET digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. large tree moves (Anguish, Nikki)
>   2. Les nouvelles du jour - La Presse+ (Ethier Elaine)
>   3. Free CEU's - 9/12 'Urban Forestry Today' @ Noon (Eastern)
>      (Richard Harper)
>   4. Re: large tree moves (Philip van Wassenaer)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 01:44:18 +0000
> From: "Anguish, Nikki" <Nikki.Anguish at calgary.ca>
> To: "canufnet at list.web.net" <canufnet at list.web.net>
> Subject: [CANUFNET] large tree moves
> Message-ID: <7d792b7801d944dfa765c2927e738ed3 at calgary.ca>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hi All
> We are investigating moving a large elm tree.
> It is a ~80 year old heritage tree with a canopy of 50'. We realize this is "Disney-esk" and not common in Western Canada; however, we are hoping that with the wealth of knowledge here, someone has experience and is willing to share ideas on the up-front costs and long term maintenance.
> Thank you in advance!
> Nikki
> Nikki Anguish
> Superintendent, Urban Forestry
> Calgary Parks
> T 403.537.7550 |
> Nikki.Anguish at Calgary.ca<mailto:Nikki.Anguish at Calgary.ca>
> P.O Box 2100, Station M, Calgary, AB Canada T2P 2M5
> ________________________________
> This communication is intended ONLY for the use of the person or entity named above and may contain information that is confidential or legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient named above or a person responsible for delivering messages or communications to the intended recipient, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that any use, distribution, or copying of this communication or any of the information contained in it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and then destroy or delete this communication, or return it to us by mail if requested by us. The City of Calgary thanks you for your attention and co-operation.
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> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 14:37:25 +0000
> From: Ethier Elaine <elaine.ethier at umontreal.ca>
> To: Jo?l Coutu <fauconbleu65 at hotmail.com>
> Subject: [CANUFNET] Les nouvelles du jour - La Presse+
> Message-ID: <88CECE18-A712-4D7D-942C-2A3FF777F78E at umontreal.ca>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Encore une fois Bravo Jo?l,
> D?anciens coll?gues et des connaissances qui appr?cient des gestes constants pour l?am?lioration de notre environnement seront int?ress?s par ton in?puisable travail pour avoir contribu? a sauvegarder ce milieu naturel. J?esp?re que d?autres groupes, comme l?ont ?t? les membres des D&G de Montr?al, seront int?ress?s ? te conna?tre par le biais de conf?rences ou de promenades de sensibilisation ? la flore des zones humides dont celle du Technoparc de Montr?al. Il y a plusieurs autres zones fragiles qui gagneraient ? recevoir l?appui de groupes tels ceux que tu as form?s. La r?gion Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Sandy Beach et Pine Lake ? Hudson pour en nommer que quelques uns.
> Au plaisir de te suivre sur ces sentiers.
> Elaine
> [La Presse+]
> Votre ami(e) vous recommande
> cet ?cran provenant de La Presse+.
> [http://plus.lapresse.ca/screens/captures/d7877720/a93c/4229/aafe/457bec74f38b_0.jpg]
> Les nouvelles du jour
> [CLIQUEZ?ET?]<http://plus.lapresse.ca/screens/d7877720-a93c-4229-aafe-457bec74f38b__7C___0.html?utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Internal+Share&utm_content=Screen>        Acc?dez au contenu partag?<http://plus.lapresse.ca/screens/d7877720-a93c-4229-aafe-457bec74f38b__7C___0.html?utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Internal+Share&utm_content=Screen>
> La Presse+ propose une fa?on unique, interactive et novatrice de lire La Presse sur tablettes. D?couvrez d?s maintenant cette toute nouvelle exp?rience d'information.
> [CLIQUEZ?ET?]<http://plus.lapresse.ca>  d?couvrez La Presse+ <http://plus.lapresse.ca>
> Elaine Ethier
> Plani Gester
> Am?nagement, foresterie urbaine
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 19:33:30 +0000
> From: Richard Harper <rharper at eco.umass.edu>
> To: CANUFNET <canufnet-bounces at list.web.net>, "canufnet at list.web.net"
> 	<canufnet at list.web.net>
> Subject: [CANUFNET] Free CEU's - 9/12 'Urban Forestry Today' @ Noon
> 	(Eastern)
> Message-ID: <46D96791-5B4D-4136-ABBC-CAB8CDF45426 at umass.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Thurs 9/12 join 'Urban Forestry Today' @ noon (Eastern) w/ Dr Chuck Cannon, Director, The Center for Tree Science @ The Morton Arboretum, as he discusses how researchers are employing high & low-tech means to better understand "Tree Growth & Development in a Changing Climate".
> Attend live & receive free ISA/MCA CEUs: www.joinwebinar.com<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.joinwebinar.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR31rHS0NGSFbPXnMRsbbY0N5V8mRbjHB2H21y39WNsZSNaRbEpw5rjtgnw&h=AT2hhZHNmMvcjL_4yARRBOsZy2YIVl7o5Sy57YZOCxHom4a5vntkRXWphoXvHPIcq62GhFv_5X3nynVrbxcR1dntbP84DmkFnjoSoIkKff0HCJR43RFqtF9doE7Q0UQaVeHVQ7URkgwa2brxQuSnuQlo_V2qJTRBTNTJRILUJ0zpbJQfzn6wjhspzsSUz1-YRuzIGAXSA_kH2I3SusbmqZTn0GgpqSKPfLXFN_LjDUVZ4Qq1WYKwV6veFSSHWqqKi3rqPaDtECuDnubFZB-Im7Ze08L33N0IIiTGE2b6fpwoCKaDt5BdGiehmPD_nXzupMi0ketC2TmkbJjbTRFQOnjXB3Zu6WFr61Blj_uvKrPoXRMfgyqG7VclunIB8e_WcILxuaz9EBz9ETFsBxQoLrSIY17aAVDTwCYK7tliHHw9NrCJtzKTUgbMilKMeQSGYTzCu8PSzd955-eNzvyXvpMpNy5Wmtcrmqswxn5bgrxwj_hO2hhnLKy4CwsJcDNE-y6u39YyVtPFLKLW5KjpGGjFH4qG3NIQYxtA2fsiJU38lN0-W9GKHbcU8vIf2jfjrS2AvjP1W8BQsonu6yrke0K4bFKv7t-oXTHRu2XpJN1h3uRrrh7p1dB0h_KV54OsgDbWzU4I> & enter: 469-756-059
> For more information, contact:
> Rick Harper
> Extension Associate Professor
> Department of Environmental Conservation
> University of Massachusetts, Amherst
> rharper at eco.umass.edu<mailto:rharper at eco.umass.edu>
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2019 14:35:03 -0400
> From: "Philip van Wassenaer" <pwassenaer1022 at rogers.com>
> To: "'Canadian Urban Forest Network'" <canufnet at list.web.net>
> Subject: Re: [CANUFNET] large tree moves
> Message-ID: <015e01d56286$4dab2860$e9017920$@rogers.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Nikki,
> Moving very large trees in Canada is unfortunately not that common.we just
> cut them down instead, such a shame.
> I think these guys are one of the authorities in North America. I believe
> they were consulted when some large tree moves were being considered here in
> Ontario.
> https://www.treemover.com/
> Give them a try!
> Philip van Wassenaer, B.SC., MFC
> Urban Forest Innovations Inc.
> 1331 Northaven Drive
> Mississauga ON L5G 4E8
> Tel:  (905) 274-1022
> Cell: (647) 221-3046
> Fax: (905) 274-2170
> UFI new logo very small
> <http://www.urbanforestinnovations.com/> www.urbanforestinnovations.com
> From: CANUFNET [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Anguish,
> Nikki via CANUFNET
> Sent: August-29-19 9:44 PM
> To: canufnet at list.web.net
> Cc: Anguish, Nikki
> Subject: [CANUFNET] large tree moves
> Hi All
> We are investigating moving a large elm tree.
> It is a ~80 year old heritage tree with a canopy of 50'. We realize this is
> "Disney-esk" and not common in Western Canada; however, we are hoping that
> with the wealth of knowledge here, someone has experience and is willing to
> share ideas on the up-front costs and long term maintenance.
> Thank you in advance!
> Nikki
> Nikki Anguish    
> Superintendent, Urban Forestry
> Calgary Parks 
> T 403.537.7550 | 
> <mailto:Nikki.Anguish at Calgary.ca> Nikki.Anguish at Calgary.ca
> P.O Box 2100, Station M, Calgary, AB Canada T2P 2M5
>  _____  
> This communication is intended ONLY for the use of the person or entity
> named above and may contain information that is confidential or legally
> privileged. If you are not the intended recipient named above or a person
> responsible for delivering messages or communications to the intended
> recipient, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that any use, distribution, or copying of
> this communication or any of the information contained in it is strictly
> prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify
> us immediately by telephone and then destroy or delete this communication,
> or return it to us by mail if requested by us. The City of Calgary thanks
> you for your attention and co-operation.
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> End of CANUFNET Digest, Vol 174, Issue 1
> ****************************************

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