[CANUFNET] URGENT - Message for all arborists and landscape professionals

Jack Radecki jackandali at sympatico.ca
Tue Jan 26 10:13:15 EST 2021

Thanks Peter


I sent in my submission yesterday. I have a little knowledge about the OPFA being a graduate from the Faculty of Forestry at U of T. The Professional Forestry Act at that time did not include Urban Forestry as I learned being a student. I joined the OPFA again briefly a few years ago but subsequently resigned. Remember that the Tree Care industry is its own entity. The profession of Urban Forestry also should be its own entity in my opinion. The key here is lack of consultation within the professions and trades. People are speaking up now and I feel confident about it. I have been a forester, arborist and urban forester for 45 years now. My father and grandfather were foresters.


Your input is truly valuable,

Best Jack


From: peter.shields570 <peter.shields570 at gmail.com> 
Sent: January 26, 2021 8:22 AM
To: Jack Radecki <jackandali at sympatico.ca>; 'Canadian Urban Forest Network' <canufnet at list.web.net>
Cc: 'Adrina Bardekjian' <adrina.bardekjian at gmail.com>
Subject: RE: [CANUFNET] URGENT - Message for all arborists and landscape professionals


Morning Jack,


I think that would be a huge issue as part of this. 

Hopefully we can all get in front of this and the Minister would use logic and sound judgment to appreciate the implications. 

I look in the backyard, at the few little trees I have, and shake my head considering what is being proposed.

It appears they want sole dominion over the urban forest...foresters who do great specialized work managing the forests as always...

We, as arborists, and urban foresters need to speak up, and now is the time to do so!





Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.



-------- Original message --------

From: Jack Radecki <jackandali at sympatico.ca <mailto:jackandali at sympatico.ca> > 

Date: 2021-01-26 7:56 a.m. (GMT-05:00) 

To: 'Canadian Urban Forest Network' <canufnet at list.web.net <mailto:canufnet at list.web.net> > 

Cc: peter.shields570 at gmail.com <mailto:peter.shields570 at gmail.com> , 'Adrina Bardekjian' <adrina.bardekjian at gmail.com <mailto:adrina.bardekjian at gmail.com> > 

Subject: RE: [CANUFNET] URGENT - Message for all arborists and landscape professionals 


I wonder how many RPF’s that follow the CANUFNET practice Tree Care, Peter?


Jack Radecki RCA 342


From: CANUFNET <canufnet-bounces at list.web.net <mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net> > On Behalf Of Peter Shields via CANUFNET
Sent: January 25, 2021 10:42 PM
To: canufnet at list.web.net <mailto:canufnet at list.web.net> 
Cc: peter.shields570 at gmail.com <mailto:peter.shields570 at gmail.com> ; 'Adrina Bardekjian' <adrina.bardekjian at gmail.com <mailto:adrina.bardekjian at gmail.com> >
Subject: [CANUFNET] URGENT - Message for all arborists and landscape professionals


Hello all,


If you have not heard, the Ontario arborist industry is facing one of its biggest challenges yet, the Ontario Professional Foresters Association (OPFA) is proposing legislation that will only allow Registered Professional Foresters (RPF’s) to manage more than one tree.  Yes, you heard that correctly, one tree on a property can be managed by an arborist, anything more than one tree on a property must have a plan prepared by an RPF.  There are several other industries impacted including Landscape Architects, Ecologists, Biologists, etc.  This proposed change is being presented to the Minister of Natural Resources on the 28th of January.  The OPFA have not consulted with any stakeholders and are seemingly doing this without the proper consultation.  We need your voices made and heard, even if not in Ontario as this may have wider implications.  Please follow the links below for up to date information.  There is a free online webinar tomorrow at 6pm for full information.


This is the link to the International Society of Arboriculture of Ontario’s (ISAO) website and the information on what is happening:

https://isaontario.com/urgent-notice-the-future-of-arboriculture-in-ontario/ <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fisaontario.com%2furgent-notice-the-future-of-arboriculture-in-ontario%2f&c=E,1,5oRZpK9LDQWA5dx6pkNrTLj0JG1lMdeM75HTRiMdVbpq4vlu4rwxiw8R-LRYgdKmmDYsmEtCN0OA6s4MPBsYRmiGuT80o5I8MW1Y16krcW8,&typo=1> 


This is the link to the webinar:

Join ISAO for an informative FREE webinar at 6:00 PM EST on January 26, 2021

https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8553048588420235792 <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fregister.gotowebinar.com%2fregister%2f8553048588420235792&c=E,1,a1FF5Y0ipo1BCq-3XlDofs3CShWt8RkUktXXA9BgLUnQA7KYqKQow1rsUs2bygsVYMGp1IXcn_4-4prlYb8Dkpm-uj67MkkI8JGF7j-8_n9jnEzQ-u31&typo=1> 


Here is the link to the online petition:

https://www.change.org/p/ontario-arborists-stop-the-proposed-changes-from-the-ontario-professional-foresters-association?recruiter=1176424268 <https://www.change.org/p/ontario-arborists-stop-the-proposed-changes-from-the-ontario-professional-foresters-association?recruiter=1176424268&recruited_by_id=5734f420-5f2c-11eb-81fe-ffc9aa3c8307&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard> &recruited_by_id=5734f420-5f2c-11eb-81fe-ffc9aa3c8307&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard


Here is a link to the video that talks about it, it is on facebook so hopefully you can see it:

https://fb.watch/3f7yLexFRe/ <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2ffb.watch%2f3f7yLexFRe%2f&c=E,1,6n-HXQnZ7-6V4Xlzn_9ea-qLzJ3uvXI8vb32OyNwMuzUUfT3gUwrrxIp1MTBzg0OgGZMgL4sIY5-AQpqQ165pMM6CP3hRINn45Quojn97wiZhoo,&typo=1> 




Peter Shields
ISA Board Certified Master Arborist ON-0570B, TRAQ

ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #536

www.shieldstree.com <http://www.shieldstree.com/> 

(705) 500-4860


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