[CANUFNET] Urban Forest Management Policies

JPM TREE SERVICE tree tree6 at shaw.ca
Tue May 18 12:48:33 EDT 2021

Hi Sylvain,

There are border trees (close to the property line) and boundary trees (straddling the property line).
Obviously the latter gives you some challenges as a municipal arborist, particularly when the trees are in 
hard-to-reach places. 

In BC’s Lower Mainland I see wide range of ownership criteria for public / private trees. On the one hand,
there are a few cities (no names) that say “if we own 1 % of that tree, then it’s a city tree.”; some go up to 10 %
to make it a little more reasonable and rationale. Many keep it simple and say 50 / 50. That’s a slam dunk in
my mind (easily understood by homeowners). If the city owns less than 50 % of the boundary tree, then ownership gets murkier. I would hope that for rare, unique, or historic trees that your city has the power to retain and preserve hem, regardless of whether its 1% or 99 % ownership. In cases where the ownership goes back to the homeowner, then I would simply hope that you promote the ISA certifications, the ISA Best Practices and the TCIA, A-300 Standards to them. As urban tree managers, we‘re always trying to raise awareness in the public eye.


John Martyn, Consulting Arborist
JPM Tree Service
Since 1996
Abbotsford, BC
www.jpmtree.com <http://www.jpmtree.com/>

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