[CANUFNET] Tree compensation

Michael Richardson mrtree at kos.net
Mon Nov 29 14:17:22 EST 2021

The answer is that an expert witness should be hired by the lawyer
representing the plaintiff and that expert should do an appraisal that
(financially) makes the plaintiff whole.

The questions being asked indicates that the community group needs to hire
an expert.


> This message is sent on behalf of Joanna Dean, Carleton University
> Looking for guidelines for compensation to be paid for cutting trees
> without a permit. How many trees should be planted to replace each tree?
> Only stumps remain.  What other details  (tree type, maturity, etc.)
> should be specified?
> This is on ecological land donated to the municipality, a fast growing
> suburb of Ottawa in Quebec, where a developer on a neighbouring property
> ran trails and cut trees on the land.  We are a community group weighing
> in on the municipal decisions.
> [cid:image001.png at 01D7B57B.BEFCC380]
> Marie-Paule Godin, RPF
> Programs & Engagement Coordinator | Coordonnatrice des programmes et de
> l’engagement
> 613-220-2239
> treecanada.ca<http://www.treecanada.ca> |
> arbrescanada.ca<http://www.arbrescanada.ca>
> [cid:image002.png at 01D7B57B.BEFCC380]<https://www.facebook.com/TreeCanada/>[cid:image003.png at 01D7B57B.BEFCC380]<https://www.instagram.com/treecanada/>[cid:image004.png at 01D7B57B.BEFCC380]<https://twitter.com/TreeCanada>
> Donate<https://treecanada.ca/main-donation-form/> | Plant with Tree
> Canada<https://treecanada.ca/plant-with-us/>
> Faites un don<https://arbrescanada.ca/main-donation-form/> | Plantez avec
> Arbres Canada<https://arbrescanada.ca/plantez-avec-nous>
> We have moved! Nous avons déménagé!
> 300-245 Cooper, Ottawa Ontario, K2P 0G2

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