[CANUFNET] invitation to participate in the Canadian Urban Forest Conference 2022

Peter Duinker Peter.Duinker at Dal.Ca
Tue Jan 25 18:03:52 EST 2022

Dear Urban-Forest Colleagues:

As Chair of the Program and Speakers Committee for the forthcoming Canadian Urban Forest Conference coming up in Charlottetown, 03-05 October, 2022, I am very much hoping to receive a participation proposal from you before the deadline of 31 January. On the submission website (https://venuewest.eventsair.com/cufc-2022/call-for-participation) you will see that we are inviting single presentations, group presentations, panels, workshops, and posters. Please do consider making a submission and attending the conference. I sincerely hope to see you there - we let go of the 2020 conference plan because of the pandemic and our resolve that the conference should be in-person. Please touch wood (an urban tree would be appropriate) that the pandemic will have settled down so we can gather for this important event. This will be my sixth CUFC since Truro in 2010 - they keep getting better and better!

Cheers, Peter Duinker

(p.s., if you have already submitted a proposal, I apologize for this encouragement, which you obviously don't need!)

Peter N. Duinker, PhD
Professor Emeritus
School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2
peter.duinker at dal.ca<mailto:peter.duinker at dal.ca>

Co-Principal, Sylveritas Ltd.
pnduinker at gmail.com<mailto:pnduinker at gmail.com>
phone: 902-229-5141


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